roseandchan wrote:our estimate is that in 100 years english people will be dark skinned with dark hair and eyes.
Come on... this is nothing but racist propaganda bullshit. This is the kind of crap the neo nazi organisations is trying to scare people with in order to get support.
The UK has enough "white" people to remain dominated by "whites" a lot longer than 100 years. And if people choose to have mixed children it's their business, not yours.
Besides... what's so bad with being dark skinned with dark hair and eyes? Just look at the ozone layer and the intensity of the sun today... in 100 years it'll most likely be worse. If people are concerned about the well being of their offspring perhaps they should have children with people "darker" than themselves? It would most definitely improve their chances of surviving a harsh environment with damaging sun rays and a thin ozone layer.
Quite frankly, I think that nature itself will weed out the "white" man quicker than the "dark" man taking over because of population growth.
And before anyone is asking. Anybody who saw me would consider me "white". I'm dark blonde with blue-green eyes with hazel spots. I'm not pasty skinned, I can get a really good tan in short time. My wife is of the classic mediterranean type with very dark brown, almost black hair and brown eyes. She will get a mean tan in no time at all but without sun she'd be almost as "white" as I would be. Both our daughters have dark blonde/light brown hair, one has brown eyes and the other green with hazel spots. Both are as "white" as myself but tan even better than any of us parents. Personally I think our mixing of phenotypes resulted in an offspring that not only looks good, but also have very good chances to withstand the increasing threat of the sun.