Feisty wrote:The girls manage Bill because more often than not they have numerous scams on the side and probably the latest bloke living with them who's doing work for cash in hand and also claiming benefits.
Whilst in the UK recently I watched a documentary about immigrant workers in the UK ~ it dealt mostly with polish workers working in agricultural work .
One fact came to light after interviewing people at the job centre was that none of those claiming benefits were interested in working in the jobs the polish were doing ~ the general opinion was they wouldn't get out of bed for that kind of money even though the polish workers seem happy with it.
A lot of those interviewed state they had no intention of working as it was a mugs game and they preferred hanging around with their mates playing the latest wii or play station games

I've always had the opinion that those signing on should be available for work and if they refuse their benefits should stop .
Community work is ok if there is no work available ( doubtful ) and no attendance equals no benefits.
I've also advocated the short sharp shock of a boot camp set up for young offenders ~ there are so many redundant ex military camps around the UK it would be very easy and cheap to arrange as the emphasis would be on minimum facilities / comfort ~ it would be a place that they wouldn't want to return to .
There are plenty of ex military personnel ( lots actually now in the prison service ) who could be employed to run the camps .
Now whilst this is a wonderful idea and would actually work sadly it will never happen as the rights and comfort of the prisoner must be preserved at all costs and they must be given every comfort possible whilst "inside".
When you have a situation where prisoners have successfully sued the prison authorities because their regular supply of drugs has been stopped and received compensation for their hardship it really makes you wonder where we are actually going with the UK namby pamby policies and pc attitudes.
I still can't understand how someone who attacks a pensioner and takes her pension money is given a six month probation order but that same pensioner could be given 3 months inside for non payment of her council tax or tv licence
The situation in the UK stinks ~ which obviously is why so many are leaving