As a non-Muslim who has had much contact with Islamic communities in many parts of the world (recently the U.K ) and having been invited to attend ceremonies on many occasions (accepted and participated in out of interest), I feel I may have some small qualification in making a point which is obvious to me.
One cannot help but admire the amount of true devotion clearly visible by those who attend the Mosque, the love and companionship that those of the faith display is entirely enviable.
Regardless of whether the Mosque be splendiferous or humble, the atmosphere always seems to lean toward the latter and one FEELS it.
In contrast, when one attends the services in such places as 'St Paul's Cathedral' 'Westminster Abbey' Canterbury Cathedral' and countless others, one immediately becomes aware of an imposed sense of 'AWE' by the magnificence of the building one is in, the atmosphere is NEVER comparable to that of the Mosque and one can FEEL it.
It may be a little harsh to describe those who worship in such historic surroundings as 'Hypocrites' but I make no apology for using the word , the society over which those lauded establishments preside, bears testimony to the truth of the matter.
If you ever feel the need to be sickened, think about Tony Blair's recent conversion to the Catholic faith, the absolutely fantastic beauty of St Peter's' in Rome and the fact that 'The Pope' did not physically kick his arse out of it for having the audacity to embrace the faith represented therein.
Apply the same format to most of the 'Dignitaries' of the world, the same brush has tarred them all.
I am NOT (as I stated) a Muslim, neither am I a particular believer in 'The Almighty' and therefore I feel it is wrong to condemn religious practices since one cannot be an expert on that which one has scant knowledge of, there are millions (if not billions) of people of various denominations in this world who have little else but their faiths to cling to, it would be a cruelty to deprive them of their rights to worship and even if we knew for sure that 'The Almighty' was non-existent, it should be kept secret from them.
I do not suggest that ALL who are not of the Islamic faith are 'Hypocrites', as an 'Outside Observer' I would hazzard a guess that 'Hypocrisy' is far more prevelant outside of the faith of Islam, than within it.
Perhaps there SHOULD be more Mosques, they may well serve as a redeemer to some of the un-Godly lot that post on this forum, MYSELF included of course.