Get Real! wrote:miltiades wrote:I CANT BELEIVE WHAT YOU JUST POSTED .
Your bullshitting Eliko , you hate the Yanks just as much as you hate the Jews , cut the crap out and come clean , you can not stand the Americans and you consider , in your humble dumbo opinion , that Israel is a terrorist state . Not Hamas , Al Queda , Hezbollah bloody nutters , but Israel !!
You are as knowledgeable and as interesting as the rear end of a proboscis monkey suffering from a severe case of gastroenteritis. Now pack your computer back in its box and return it to the vendor and just tell them you’re too stupid to own one…Terrorism:
The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
Get Real, your exchanges with miltiades are somewhat 'More to the Point' than my own, I must say that I have grown quite fond of him (as a person) regardless of the fact that he seems to take a great delight in insulting me (God Bless Him).
Nonetheless, I must say that I am in total agreement with you on this particular post, do you think there is any possibility that we may be able to help him see the light, or is he indeed a lost cause ?, such a shame, I am sure he is a lovely old chap, if only he would allow us to get to know the 'Real Him'.