I am sorry Deniz, but I for once do not agree with you. The hatred of Zionism and of Israel, is born out of a hatred for Jews. Zionism was not widely accepted as a movement until after WW2, and then it took time for people to accept it.
I have also never understood the tag of Jews are different from us ? why is that is it a religious thing, or maybe Jews feel somewhat isolated and feel the need to stick together.
Speaking as a Jew I rarely feel welcome of advertising the fact when outside of family, forum is a relatively safe place for me as most people are well out of arms reach. I wear a small Star Of David around my neck in the confines of my safe surroundings, however when travalling it is the first thing I always leave at home.
As for the USA GG, I am an avid supporter of your freedom of speech and right to bear arms, I find the people of your great country welcoming and polite.