miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:miltiades, my educational qualifications have suffered enough of your pummelling ( metaphorically speaking) over the past year or so and I do wish you would desist.
By stating that Obama agrees wih YOUR views, one naturally assumes that you have influenced HIM, forgive me if I misconstrued, such a statement as you made was a legitimate target for some degree of (jovial) sarcasm.
As to Israel, my opinions are quite clear, I have been there and witnessed the death and destruction perpetrated by the aggressive forces of the Israeli's, the fact that they have such strong support from the USA and the UK is a proof positive that the Foreign Policies of both those nations are controlled by those with vested interests, neither nation has the slightest compassion for the rightful inhabitants of the lands stolen by Israel, that fact was also proven when neither would intervene when a ceasefire was begged for on behalf of those who were being slaughtered by the Israeli's.
As to Iran, my position is quite clear, if Israel is allowed to possess enough nuclear weapons to target the entire Middle East, why is Iran forbidden to develop nuclear power (for domestic purposes) by the very powers that are already slaughtering thousands of innocent people in the Middle East region.
The argument that Iran MAY use the technology to develop nuclear weapons, is rather weak in the face of what has transpired in Iraq.
In any case, why should they NOT have such weapons, Israel has an unlimited supply of them.
miltiades, we will never agree on the Foreign Policies of the (USA<(Israel)>UK) the united destroyers of any that oppose their will, I must content myself with knowing that I can see what is taking place whereas you cannot.
In my humble opinion .

I'm afraid there is very little than anyone can do for you Eliko ! Your clouded perception of the West created by your blind hatred of anything bearing the trade mark of the USA restricts your ability to view events objectively. You do not see that the only obstacle to peace in the M.East are the extremists whose agenda is the annihilation of Israel. Many peace plans have come and gone , all discarded by the fanatics who want nothing less than the destruction of Israel , just as you do .
You fail to see that amongst the Palestinians there is discord and strife that will NEVER subside but will intensify fanned by the likes of you who offer unequivocal moral support .
As for your comments supporting Iran's right to produce nuclear weapons since Israel has them , let me remind you that no nation on earth considers Israel as a potential user of nuclear weapons , apart that is from those that have publicly stated that their mission is to wipe Israel of the face of the earth . Your presuming erroneously and naively that Iran presents no threat to any nation by possessing nuclear weapons , a nation that is governed by theocrats who respect death more than life , who stone people to death , who murder a rape victim instead of tenderly comforting , who are responsible for the instability in Lebanon and Palestine.
Yes I'm happy that Obama has clearly stated that he will never allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons and I'm happy that John McCain who I think will be the next president , not wish but think , also shares his view .
Obama is a highly skilled politician with an extraordinary ability to rise to the occasion as he has done against some one as formidable as Hilary ,
its a shame you do not support his views on Iran , under stable of course taking into account your blind hatred of the USA.
Good Morning miltiades and may I say how pleased I am to note that you seem to be in fine form, once again ?.
I would like to discuss the point you make regarding the intention of Iran 'To wipe Israel off the face of the map'.
I would have thought that a man with your degree of interest in world affairs would have known that such a threat is FALSE propaganda (probably circulated by Israel) in order to curry favour in the event of the West making an attack on yet another innocent nation.
The FACTS are that President Ahmadinejad (or 'ajab an alternative spelling) made reference to a speech by the Ayatollah Khomeini in which the Ayatollah indicated that, "Like Communism and Fasciism, Zionism as an ideology would disappear from the pages of history".
SO, they were NOT the words of President Ahmadinejad, neither were they a threat to Israel BUT, in their distorted and misquoted form, they serve very nicely as a convincing reason to commence aggression against another innocent nation, quite cunning wouldn't you agree ?.
In order to bolster the excuses required for an act of aggression against Iran, the question of 'Nuclear Development' fits the bill admirably, with these two issues under scrutiny, the West (and Israel) are able to conjure up many reasons for further slaughter in the Middle East.
By accusing Iran of helping Iraq in that they supply weapons to (terrorist organizations) they can add weight to their propaganda campaign which seems to be having the desired effect since there are many prepared to accept ALL the above suppositions, yet are unable to determine the reasons behind them.
If Iran is helping Iraq in it's struggle against the aggression of the West, 'Good Luck' to them, they are helping their neighbours.
If Iran is attempting to develop nuclear power (for domestic reasons) why should they not be allowed to do so.
If the intention of Iran is to develop nuclear weapons, why should they not, Israel has hundreds of them.
Why is Israel ever in fear of attack ?, if they are such a nice and friendly nation (as they would wish us to believe) they would have no reason to fear such events.
The truth is miltiades, WE will never know the truth, it does not mean that we are obliged to accept LIES, remember WMD ? or have you forgotten already.