miltiades, my educational qualifications have suffered enough of your pummelling ( metaphorically speaking) over the past year or so and I do wish you would desist.
By stating that Obama agrees wih YOUR views, one naturally assumes that you have influenced HIM, forgive me if I misconstrued, such a statement as you made was a legitimate target for some degree of (jovial) sarcasm.
As to Israel, my opinions are quite clear, I have been there and witnessed the death and destruction perpetrated by the aggressive forces of the Israeli's, the fact that they have such strong support from the USA and the UK is a proof positive that the Foreign Policies of both those nations are controlled by those with vested interests, neither nation has the slightest compassion for the rightful inhabitants of the lands stolen by Israel, that fact was also proven when neither would intervene when a ceasefire was begged for on behalf of those who were being slaughtered by the Israeli's.
As to Iran, my position is quite clear, if Israel is allowed to possess enough nuclear weapons to target the entire Middle East, why is Iran forbidden to develop nuclear power (for domestic purposes) by the very powers that are already slaughtering thousands of innocent people in the Middle East region.
The argument that Iran MAY use the technology to develop nuclear weapons, is rather weak in the face of what has transpired in Iraq.
In any case, why should they NOT have such weapons, Israel has an unlimited supply of them.
miltiades, we will never agree on the Foreign Policies of the (USA<(Israel)>UK) the united destroyers of any that oppose their will, I must content myself with knowing that I can see what is taking place whereas you cannot.
In my humble opinion .