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Will the USA vote in a black president?

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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:09 am

Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:Have you got the 'Key' to the Vault' ?, we could go there for the 'Night' 'Safe' from prying eyes, :lol: :lol: :wink:

Ooohh ... we have the all "Clear" for another "Bounce" :D as you hold "My Secret Combination" ... :wink:

But can we 'Count' on the 'Discretion' of those who are 'Privy' to our 'Plans' ?

They can make a "Mint" "Disclosing" our "Log-Book" :evil:

I will be 'Holding' your 'Slip' and will 'Bridge' your 'Nest' egg at our next 'Meeting'. :lol: :lol: :wink:

I will "Take Down" whatever you say and hope you last more than a few "Minutes" .... :wink:

I will fetch a 'Rubber' stamp in 'Case' you need 'Assurance' :lol: :lol: :wink:

A 'Member' of my 'Staff' is a 'Teller' I must 'Foreclose' now in 'Order' to 'Protect' my Lady's 'Reputation' :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:10 am

Good Night Folks........................ :angel:
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 09, 2008 12:14 am

Eliko wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:Have you got the 'Key' to the Vault' ?, we could go there for the 'Night' 'Safe' from prying eyes, :lol: :lol: :wink:

Ooohh ... we have the all "Clear" for another "Bounce" :D as you hold "My Secret Combination" ... :wink:

But can we 'Count' on the 'Discretion' of those who are 'Privy' to our 'Plans' ?

They can make a "Mint" "Disclosing" our "Log-Book" :evil:

I will be 'Holding' your 'Slip' and will 'Bridge' your 'Nest' egg at our next 'Meeting'. :lol: :lol: :wink:

I will "Take Down" whatever you say and hope you last more than a few "Minutes" .... :wink:

I will fetch a 'Rubber' stamp in 'Case' you need 'Assurance' :lol: :lol: :wink:

A 'Member' of my 'Staff' is a 'Teller' I must 'Foreclose' now in 'Order' to 'Protect' my Lady's 'Reputation' :lol: :lol: :wink:

OK ... "Let's Shred" the "Evidence" and "Retire" like "Fat Cats" ....

Good night Pussycat :wink:
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 09, 2008 6:57 am

As to the question, I think Obama will become the next president.

Whether or not he will be able to make any significant changes to foreign policy is debatable.

There, nicely back on track folks but I wouldn't 'Bank' on it remaining so. :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:10 am

Eliko wrote:As to the question, I think Obama will become the next president.

Whether or not he will be able to make any significant changes to foreign policy is debatable.

There, nicely back on track folks but I wouldn't 'Bank' on it remaining so. :wink:

Taking "Stock" of the situation, we could "Exchange" more posts, or, "Invest" our time more wisely, yielding better "Returns".
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Postby webbo » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:17 am

My friend (now returned to UK) used to own 3 properties here (this was prior/then during Cyprus joining the EU). One in his name, one in his wife's and the other in his children's names! So, you see, there are ways around it. Yes, he bought these properties as an investment - isn't that the case in most purchases? BTW, he made very good profits too!

How many Cypriots have property in the UK (and elsewhere) and live and own properties on Cyprus?

Why is everyone being so childish about this issue? :? Wake up and accept that it does go on - worldwide - not just your little island! :roll: :roll:

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:32 am

Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:As to the question, I think Obama will become the next president.

Whether or not he will be able to make any significant changes to foreign policy is debatable.

There, nicely back on track folks but I wouldn't 'Bank' on it remaining so. :wink:

Taking "Stock" of the situation, we could "Exchange" more posts, or, "Invest" our time more wisely, yielding better "Returns".

Oracle, "Good Morning !" I endeavoured to revive 'Interest' in tha actual topic since I think we should 'Return' to it.

I fear our 'Deeds' may have discouraged 'Members' from 'Depositing' their 'Balanced' views on the 'Business' under 'Scrutiny'.

Perhaps we should open up a butcher's shop later ?, I am off for a while now, Best Wishes. Eliko. X :lol: :wink:
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Postby Feisty » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:33 am

As to whether I'm a fake or not, or full of bull shit or not, I won't comment on because your opinion of me does not matter in the slightest. You are a nothing apart from an internet personna.

I won't even bother trying to give you a lesson in business because it would surely tax your little brain way too much.

Of course I'm in business to make money dumbo. Why does anyone go to work?
I ensure that the maximum amount of income is offset by allowable expenditures thus ensuring minimal taxes so no I'm not seeing my hard earned monies going to lazy benefit bludgers.

Now take your silly rants elsewhere, let the title of the thread be debated and learn something. Maybe a good starting point would be how to use capital letters, apostrophes and the meaning of the word you're.

From this point forward I shall ignore your posts like I would an irritating fly.

roseandchan wrote:i think your full of bull and your a fake. you like giving it out but don't like it back, just like a spoilt child. my life is great, i'm a very happy person. you have soo much property in cyprus that it is clear you only purchased them to make money i hope the cyprus goverment makes you pay bucket loads of capital gains tax and i hope you declare all that worldwide income to the uk inland revenue. then all those 15-16 year olds can have benefits at your expense.
Last edited by Feisty on Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Feisty » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:34 am

Thanks Bubbles. I actually think there is only one childish poster now who seems unable to accept that I'm running a successful business.

webbo wrote:My friend (now returned to UK) used to own 3 properties here (this was prior/then during Cyprus joining the EU). One in his name, one in his wife's and the other in his children's names! So, you see, there are ways around it. Yes, he bought these properties as an investment - isn't that the case in most purchases? BTW, he made very good profits too!

How many Cypriots have property in the UK (and elsewhere) and live and own properties on Cyprus?

Why is everyone being so childish about this issue? :? Wake up and accept that it does go on - worldwide - not just your little island! :roll: :roll:

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 09, 2008 8:43 am

Eliko wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Eliko wrote:As to the question, I think Obama will become the next president.

Whether or not he will be able to make any significant changes to foreign policy is debatable.

There, nicely back on track folks but I wouldn't 'Bank' on it remaining so. :wink:

Taking "Stock" of the situation, we could "Exchange" more posts, or, "Invest" our time more wisely, yielding better "Returns".

Oracle, "Good Morning !" I endeavoured to revive 'Interest' in tha actual topic since I think we should 'Return' to it.

I fear our 'Deeds' may have discouraged 'Members' from 'Depositing' their 'Balanced' views on the 'Business' under 'Scrutiny'.

Perhaps we should open up a butcher's shop later ?, I am off for a while now, Best Wishes. Eliko. X :lol: :wink:

Good morning love birds.
We are just tooo polite so as not to disrupt such lovely 'peaceful' interludes. Please keep us informed as to your staying power with our lady of the night? As you said threes a crowd. :wink:
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