Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:O, the government of Cyprus is not Turkey , the occupied part of Cyprus IS Turkey governed . The legal and recognised government of the then South Africa was not occupying South Africa but denying the majority the right of self rule with apartheid thrown in as a good measure.To compare events that took place in South Africa then with events in Cyprus right now is not quite correct you must admit.
Do not forget who gave Turkey the green light to invade and it was not the T/Cs but the fascists of Greece aided and abated by the G/C extremists . The military" coupists " of 1974 did not only consider the T/Cs as an obstacle to their journey towards the "sale" of Cyprus to Greece but also considered those G/Cs opposing them as traitors and a valid target.
Our present predicament was orchestrated from beginning to end by the shortsighted extremists , examples of which we see on this forum every day , who considered Cyprus their exclusive property regardless of other Cypriots views.
Bananiot is amongst the genuine Cypriots who want nothing more for Cyprus than a peaceful solution based on human rights and equality , based on respect for all Cypriots , he does not differentiate between the G/Cs T/Cs Maronites , Armenians or others .
He has never used foul language or derogatory graffiti on other forum members and in spite of his highly developed intellectual capabilities he remains modest and accommodating to those with lesser degrees of vocabulary competence. A true Cypriot !!
ps. No jokes on "lesser degrees...........
It was not the Greek Junta fascists that gave Turkey the green light to invade. The green light was recieved by non other than those that YOU so blindly follow. The Greek Junta was a mere tool of the CIA and the US that was used to provide Tukey with the pretext of invading Cyprus under the 1959 Zurich Treaty of Guarantee, by coercing them to conduct a coup against the Makarios government.
Further evidence of CIA and US collusion with Turkey and US coercion of Greece is the fact that the HN naval submarine Nireus was ordered to return to Greece without completing it's initial mission as ordered by the Greek Admiral.
Allow me to educate you:By Dr William Mallinson
THE DISCREDITED Annan plan's chief PR guru, Mr Hannay, admits at the end of his personal anti-analytical book that "we [the British] had not covered ourselves with glory", perhaps as an insurance policy against accusations of bias. Nevertheless, in his nine-page potted "history" section, he omits such vital facts as the Foreign Office's successful efforts to divide Greece and Turkey in 1955; secret collusion with Turkey; the British role in the 1963 riots that segregated the Cypriot community; British and American agreement not to prevent a Turkish invasion in 1963/64; and the Foreign Office's admission that the Treaty of Guarantee was contrary to the UN Charter. New documents have now been uncovered which will surely embarrass those who aim to keep Cyprus as a geostrategic hostage and out of mainstream EU security structures. The documents show that what has in the past been dismissed as irresponsible can now be considered as responsible fact.
The invasion
First is the vehemently denied British government's foreknowledge of the Turkish invasion of 1974. As an entrée, let us recall what British Foreign Minister Callaghan said to Kissinger on August 14, 1974, after the Turkish army had "broken out": "Well, I was just thinking - I think in military terms, obviously the Turks will carry on until they have got this line that they have figured out on the map, and cynically, let's hope they get it quickly... You are not going to act, we are not going to act unilaterally and the UN is going to get out of the way."
On its own, this quote displays a combination of cynicism and subservience to the US, but not definite foreknowledge. However, further evidence shows that Callaghan did have foreknowledge about Turkish plans before both the first invasion and the later "break out": on July 19, 1974, a senior Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) official informed Callaghan's Private Secretary that the Joint Intelligence Committee was expecting a Turkish invasion within the next few days. It occurred the next day. Interestingly, the French Embassy had unsuccessfully tried to obtain information about Cyprus from the FCO, and the French Foreign Minister, Sauvagnargues, even complained to Callaghan. While the Turks were breaking the ceasefire of July 22, during the frenetic Anglo-Greek-Turkish "negotiations" in Geneva, Callaghan received a top secret letter on August 10 from the British Defence Staff, stating: "The Turkish army is looking for an excuse to continue operations. The next likely objective is to increase the size of their area to take in the entire North East of Cyprus, bounded by a line from five miles east of Morphou, through the southern suburbs of Nicosia and along the old Famagusta road to Famagusta." The same day, the British ambassador to the UN in Geneva wrote in a top secret telegram: "The Foreign Secretary [Callaghan] is most concerned at hard line attitude being adopted by Turkish delegation at Geneva and the strong indications that they may soon attempt a major break-out from the area at present under their control."
The false denial
How does the fact that Callaghan knew about the Turkish plans, and was even worried about them, compare with what he told a Parliamentary Select Committee on Cyprus in early 1976? To the question "You recognised, did you not, that there was to be an immediate invasion by the Turks at that time and that that was imminent?" Callaghan replied: "No"! And when asked whether there was a real danger of a further advance, he replied: "No, I do not think that was indicated at all." Callaghan was aided and abetted at the interrogation by three senior FCO officials, acting as minders.
Dr William Mallinson, a former British diplomat, teaches British history, culture and literature at the Ionian University, Corfu and is the author of Cyprus, A Modern History, I. B. Tauris, London and New York 2005, and Papazissis (in Greek) Athens, 2005Copyright
And please do not start to accuse me of being anti US or anti west, because I can assure you that I am not. I do however possess the ability to view world events in an objective manner and develop well adjusted opinions as to what is morally right and wrong. You however fail miserably in this department and blindly follow that which is spoonfed to YOU and the masses to justify mass violations of human rights and dare I say it by those very saintly entities that you unquestionably follow like a blind sheep.
Well posted paphitis, perhaps miltiades will 'Deal' with you this evening when he has suggested he will 'Deal' with both myself and Oracle.
I truly think that the gentleman is besotted with the USA, he can see no wrong in what they say or do and I fear he is too set in his ways to recognize that fact.
Perhaps he feels safe in assuming that he is on the 'Winning Side', only the ultimate shame of their actions (which must surely be revealed shortly ) might persuade him to reconsider his views.
Thankfully there are those among us who have some perception of truth and justice, you are obviously one of such (as I profess to be) and I welcome you into the same melting pot as myself whilst awaiting the unmerciful tongue-lashings we are bound to receive, once our 'Dealer' catches sight of any comment which opposes his own.
Stand fast my friend, I am well used to his furious assaults.

Best Wishes. Eliko.