miltiades wrote:O, the government of Cyprus is not Turkey , the occupied part of Cyprus IS Turkey governed . The legal and recognised government of the then South Africa was not occupying South Africa but denying the majority the right of self rule with apartheid thrown in as a good measure.To compare events that took place in South Africa then with events in Cyprus right now is not quite correct you must admit.
Do not forget who gave Turkey the green light to invade and it was not the T/Cs but the fascists of Greece aided and abated by the G/C extremists . The military" coupists " of 1974 did not only consider the T/Cs as an obstacle to their journey towards the "sale" of Cyprus to Greece but also considered those G/Cs opposing them as traitors and a valid target.
Our present predicament was orchestrated from beginning to end by the shortsighted extremists , examples of which we see on this forum every day , who considered Cyprus their exclusive property regardless of other Cypriots views.
Bananiot is amongst the genuine Cypriots who want nothing more for Cyprus than a peaceful solution based on human rights and equality , based on respect for all Cypriots , he does not differentiate between the G/Cs T/Cs Maronites , Armenians or others .
He has never used foul language or derogatory graffiti on other forum members and in spite of his highly developed intellectual capabilities he remains modest and accommodating to those with lesser degrees of vocabulary competence. A true Cypriot !!
ps. No jokes on "lesser degrees...........
Unwilling as I am to be sucked into your illogical, unreasonable world which has been my misfortune to stumble upon at unwary moments between pages of posts ...

... I feel you deserve this one shot to prove to me that there are just enough neurons remaining viable in your vintage greying matter to adopt one idea of simple logic.
Please concentrate and focus on what I am saying.... I am not talking about
fine details ... I am not talking about a
carbon copy re-enactment of the South African conflict with our own.
I was discussing a way of dealing with and looking at our situation with something you volunteered... Mandela... as a familiar way for you to see that even great men (as he is NOW) were once viewed as terrorists that had to be suppressed & imprisoned because they had the audacity (as you attribute to GR!) to stand up against the enemy who uses
force to continually repress their fellow natives and countrymen.
That is what Turkey is
doing right now to us ... A fact hard to believe, only by
As I said, stay focused Miltiades... don't wander down memory lane and I lose you again ... stay with me and keep thinking, right now
Turkey is using force to divide my country and keep my people from their homes .... The reason I know Turkey is using FORCE in this conflict, is because if any of my people tried to go to their own front door of their own home in their own land and turn the doorknob to let themselves into their family home (maybe of generations) ... they will be
SHOT DEAD by a Turkish soldier ... do you understand? Is that
FORCE enough for you?
That was the force your hero (and mine) Mandela, stood up against!
What are
you doing, Miltiades?
Tell me; what are you doing to
behave like your hero?
You are not even talking against your enemy's
actions ... you are not even
opposing your enemy with
words ...
You are not only
ACCEPTING what they have done, but you are fantastically making excuses why they were f**king entitled to invade us and teach us a frigging lesson for fraternising with Greece ...