blow your own trumpet why don't you, told you that you like the sound of your own voice.
do you live in the north or the south?
miltiades wrote:Eliko wrote:roseandchan, where have YOU been these last ten years or so ?, 'Black' people have a distinct aversion to being referred to as 'Coloured' and I believe it stems from the days of racial segregation practised in many nations.
Did I say ten years ?, it may even be thirty, I do wonder if there are any 'Black' members who can throw some light on the situation, any I know are quite proud of themslves (and rightly so) in my opinion, they possess a dignity which puts the 'White' man to shame (in many instances).
God Bless them all.
"""""are quite proud of themslves (and rightly so) """"
What garbage !! Mugabe I suppose is one of them !!! The other I think Idi Amin ??
GorillaGal wrote:enough with the "colored" or the "black" thing. it is not politically correct to say "colored."
Obama is black.
hillary is white.
end of story.
CanDiaz wrote:GorillaGal wrote:enough with the "colored" or the "black" thing. it is not politically correct to say "colored."
Obama is black.
hillary is white.
end of story.
African American.
In the US some people, object to being called black, by a white.
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