Feisty wrote:Miltiades
If Israel are not aggressors and terrorists in this conflict how do you account for some 4,300 Palestinion deaths during the last 7 years and yet only 1000 Israeli deaths?
A further question I'd like you to consider is how much more land the Israelis have occupied/stolen/driven people out of their homes than that which was given to them, rightly or wrongly, in the first place?
Feisty, I would not expect miltiades to answer your post since he has a firm commitment to support the acts of aggression perpetrated by the 'Terrorist State of Israel'.
He similarly strongly upholds the murderous and unlawful campaign in Iraq perpetrated by the USA and (our own) UK governments, now widely exposed to be based on a 'Pack of Lies'.
Please do not give either murderous onslaught the distinction of referring to them as 'WARS' since they do not qualify for such a grandiose title.
I take it upon myself to respond to your post to save you the embarrassment of being ignored and (should miltiades choose to respond) possibility of receiving a great deal of insult.
As to my own views, they are very well known regarding both murderous enterprises and I agree with the necessity of highlighting the figures thereto.
My only criticism of your figures is that you failed to mention that the deaths of approximately 1000 innocent young children are contained within them.
Since the Israeli's are equipped with 'Smart Weapons' as opposed to their adversaries poor 'Weapons Capability', one could justly comment on the apparent reluctance by the Israeli's to use them.
Perhaps they are comfortable with the odds at 4 to 1 in their favour.
As to 'Land grabbing' and expansionism which has and is taking place in the region, it is perfectly visible to the whole world, unfortunately the bullying tactics of the West ensure that the defenceless victims of aggression are powerless to stop it.
Interestingly, ANY actions to resist aggression by whatever means those oppressed may be forced to resort to (even to the extent that they are willing to sacrifice their own lives in vain attempts to inflict damage to their foe) are branded as 'Acts of Terrorism', a peculiarly strange word to inflict upon those known locally as 'Freedom Fighters' by those who are actually 'Terrorizing' both in Israel and Iraq. it's a funny old world.