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Will the USA vote in a black president?

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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:09 pm

Feisty wrote:I don't profess to know anything about American politics and don't have enough hours in the day or the inclination to learn but will this allow another Bush type idiot in and what implications would that have for all of us?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm surprised you even had the inclination to ask the question. :lol:

It must have taken all of your energy to do that. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Magnus » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:19 pm

Having a black president worked out pretty good in '24' but I don't know if Obama will have a Jack Bauer to save him all the time...
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Postby Feisty » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:25 pm

I've no objection to gathering information along the way but don't always have the inclination to seek it out. I have other more pressing issues in my life which I do have the inclination for.

Kikapu wrote:
Feisty wrote:I don't profess to know anything about American politics and don't have enough hours in the day or the inclination to learn but will this allow another Bush type idiot in and what implications would that have for all of us?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm surprised you even had the inclination to ask the question. :lol:

It must have taken all of your energy to do that. :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:32 pm

Feisty wrote:I've no objection to gathering information along the way but don't always have the inclination to seek it out. I have other more pressing issues in my life which I do have the inclination for.

Glad to hear that you have other pressing issues in your life, but since you are worried about what implications a US president might have on your life, perhaps spending some of your "inclinations" may well be worth it to find out who Barack Obama is, and YES, he will be the next president of the United States of America.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:29 pm

purdey wrote:If Obhama looks to Clinton as vice president he has it in the bag. The only sticking point is the gun lobby, and how he handles them.

never gonna happen. too much bad water between them, and both are "minorities" so it woul;d be a losing ticket.

i do think obama has a good chance. the majority of people are sick of the republicans. but then, as a new yorker, we HATE what Bush did to us.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:31 pm

Feisty wrote:I'm sure the Truks will be at the top of his agenda.

Will he even know where he's supposed to be removing them from?

i think obabma has a muslim background.

but then the cypriots voted in a commie. go figure.
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Postby GorillaGal » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:33 pm

Feisty wrote:I'm sure the Truks will be at the top of his agenda.

Will he even know where he's supposed to be removing them from?

actually,TRUcKS might be at the top of his campaigning....witht eh price of gas aas high as it is right now...... :lol:
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Postby Eliko » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:40 pm

If Obama does become President, he would serve the pursuit of 'Peace on Earth' better were he able to remove the Jews from high offices, at least you can see what the Turks are up to and as such, problems may be resolved, with the Jews, they are the past masters of deception, not so easy to deal with.

In my humble opinion. :wink:
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:42 pm

Truks and obabma !!!.............................what's next.??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby CBBB » Wed Jun 04, 2008 2:43 pm


You have obviously joined the 15% of the American population that think Obama is a muslim.

I am actually suprised the percentage is so low considering the yanks total lack of interest in news of any kind (espcially outside the States, unless they are fighting there).

I read somewhere that 90% of Americans have never travelled further than 50 miles from where thay were born!
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