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Greece sees first gay 'marriage'

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Postby Feisty » Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:44 am

This case is not comparable in any way. Different laws prevail in different countries. For instance, in the UK the Syrian would (if prosecuted) be regarded for the rest of his life as a paedophile. The couple wouldn't have been allowed to marry as the woman was under age.
You say that the Syrian only had sex with the girl, not that they were married. It may well be that he is a criminal because they had sex outside marriage and nothing to do with the ages.
Piratis wrote:
For example today I was reading about a case of a 29 year old Syrian who had sex with a 15 year old, with her consent. The Syrian is considered a criminal now. I remember several years ago I was listening the radio and they announced the marriage of two enclaved people from Rizokarpaso. The man was 30 and his wife was 15. How could that marriage, a life long commitment, be acceptable and even blessed by the church, but the case of the Syrian and the 15 year old girl be considered a crime?
Last edited by Feisty on Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Agios Ionas » Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:45 am

Regarding gay "marriages". There are homosexuals and we've just have to accept that whether we want to or not. 1 out of 10 is supposed to be homosexual. As far as I know homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom too.

Anyway, I strongly believe that homosexuals are entitled to some kind of partnership registration. They should enjoy the same legal rights and obligations (inheritance, taxes etc) as a heterosexual couple. Whether they should be allowed to get married in a church or not I don't know. A civil ceremony would suffice as it will give them the very same legal rights and obligations.

Then again, there are of course believers among the gay population... who am I to say they're not worthy of a religious ceremony? I think it's up to the church to decide on this matter. Whatever they decide for we will have to accept. It's as simple as that.

However, I definitely don't think that gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. Not that I think they would be bad parents. It's quite possible they would be much better parents than many heterosexual couples. And I don't think gay parents will make the child gay too. There's of course a 10% chance the child will become a homosexual, but the odds are the same as for any child.

The reason I'm against gay people adopting children is because society at large isn't ready for such a big change. It's not fair against the children. You all know that kids can be mean, downright evil even. A child with two fathers or two mothers... can you imagine the painful childhood this poor being would endure? Perhaps in a distant future mankind are unprejudiced enough to make this happen... perhaps... looking at history and present time I highly doubt it.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:49 am

CopperLine wrote:Get Real,
Progressive insofar as it is the recognition of a basic human right (sexual orientation); progressive insofar as it is another rejection of religious bigotry; progressive insofar as it is a first recognition that these people can release their own happiness and need no longer live in denial or fear ...

Isn't sexual orientation and expression a basic human right, Get Real ?

Next Cyprus and Turkey

Yes, you're right. The sooner the day arrives in which this is unremarkable, and not newsworthy, the better.

Copperline ,
If it is then necrophilia , paedophilia , gerontofilia , incest , bestiality and all perverted practices would also qualify.
Homosexuality has existed for as long as the human race has.
Marriage is the foundation that embraces the entire concept of family , that stretches back into ancestry and forward to the future generations.
Marriage is between a man and a woman , always has been and always will be . The homosexual community has been accepted throughout the Western world but they can not have their cake and eat it. Family and the creation of it relies entirely on the union between a man and a woman , homosexuals by all means can have their human rights respected and protected by law but to force me to accept for my son a son in law and for my daughter a daughter in law is absurd and bloody stupid , just as stupid as those who believe that gay "marriages " are quite normal , no they are not not they are weird and queer .
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Postby Feisty » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:00 am

I don't actually believe that gay couples should have the same rights when it comes to pensions, taxes, inheritances etc either. They are able to make legal arrangements as far as their assets are concerned through wills. Why should theyhave other rights? I know of a brother and sister who have lived in the same household all their lives, some 57 years so far. Neither have ever married and both cared for a sick parent and elderly grandparents through to death. She is dependant on his salary and he has worked all his life for one company amassing a considerable pension which on his death she will have no rights to.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:21 am

Agios Ionas wrote:
Oracle wrote:it's like saying finding the gene for brown eyes can be used to cure you so that you can have blue eyes ....

Blue eyes are actually the result of a genetic mutation. So I guess those of us with blue/green/grey eyes are the ones who need to be cured. Not the healthy brown eyed people. ;) :)

Hip hip hooray :D and welcome Agios Ionas ... I hope you are for real and here to stay.

Highly controversial and definitely not black and white :wink: .

The gene for blue eyes exists in many species** (some "older" evolutionarily than us), indeed arisen through convergent, as well as divergent mutation ..... aka Evolution.

Its surface in Homo sapiens can be viewed as a "mutation" on the basis we came out of Africa ... hence our brown-eyed predisposition (or default setting?). Contradicting observation for babies born blue-eyed then turning brown?

But what is the evidence it was not a silent gene re-emerging (to suit a new environment of less sun). Point mutations in the brown gene leading to blue would be most convincing. But hard to distinguish between that and the reverse. I do not known their DNA sequences (off the top of my head :lol: ) ... and may look up later. Alignment for homologies should reveal more.

However on the point of "cure"; it can be looked at in many ways. If in Africa, blue eyes may be deemed curable by brown eyes, since blue would present the health hazard ... And vice versa, brown eyes may need curing with blue eyes when greater light-gathering may be on-call.

So the environment dictates which "Colour" is "healthy" and which is "sick". :wink:

What do you think?

SpringerLinkJournal wrote:Eye colour in Japanese macaques shows apparent differences between individuals, continuously ranging from orange (bright), through shades of yellow and hazel-blue to dark blue (dark).
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Postby Agios Ionas » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:24 am

Feisty wrote:I don't actually believe that gay couples should have the same rights when it comes to pensions, taxes, inheritances etc either.

Why not? This if anything would be discrimination.

If a heterosexual couple choose not to marry each other... fine! It's their choice. If a heterosexual couple choose to marry they are entitled to some rights as far as pensions, taxes, inheritances etc goes. Why shouldn't a homosexual couple who choose to "marry" (register their partnership rather) have the very same rights?

We're talking about two adults who live together for bad and for worse. If they choose not to register their partnership... fine! Their rights would the same as for the heterosexual couple who remain unmarried.

On a strictly legal level a registered partnership between two people of the same sex should essentially be the same as a marriage... equal to a civil marriage between a man and a woman. Same rights, same obligations. Anything else would simply be discrimination.

Personally I find the whole gay culture both provoking and disgusting. But what they do behind their bedroom door is not of my concern. Just as long as I don't have to witness it. I don't like their love parades, just thinking about two men doing unspeakable things with each other makes me sick.

BUT... I'm still prepared to speak up for their basic rights as human beings. We may think their choice of life is wrong and despicable. But two consenting adults who love each other should not be denied the right to get their relationship acknowledged on a strictly legal basis. If they choose to of course.

There's too much hate in the world already. Why waste time hating two adults who love each other? Even if they're of the same sex?

Do I dislike their gay lifestyle? Yes! Do I hate them for being gay? No! Does their way of life have any effect on the quality of my own life? No!

I would however prefer that they keep a slightly lower profile though. You don't see heterosexuals running around the streets in latex clothing acting out degenerated fantasies that would make the Romans full of envy. Well... in Ibiza an Ayia Napa they do... under the influence of whatever their choice of drug is. :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:29 am

Agios Ionas wrote:
Oracle wrote:it's like saying finding the gene for brown eyes can be used to cure you so that you can have blue eyes ....

Blue eyes are actually the result of a genetic mutation. So I guess those of us with blue/green/grey eyes are the ones who need to be cured. Not the healthy brown eyed people. ;) :)

:shock: Re ma eisai Giallouromados Bertigoboullaroshillos ?
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:37 am

Get Real! wrote:
Agios Ionas wrote:
Oracle wrote:it's like saying finding the gene for brown eyes can be used to cure you so that you can have blue eyes ....

Blue eyes are actually the result of a genetic mutation. So I guess those of us with blue/green/grey eyes are the ones who need to be cured. Not the healthy brown eyed people. ;) :)

:shock: Re ma eisai Giallouromados Bertigoboullaroshillos ?

I thought it was a "Ra" :?
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:42 am

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Agios Ionas wrote:
Oracle wrote:it's like saying finding the gene for brown eyes can be used to cure you so that you can have blue eyes ....

Blue eyes are actually the result of a genetic mutation. So I guess those of us with blue/green/grey eyes are the ones who need to be cured. Not the healthy brown eyed people. ;) :)

:shock: Re ma eisai Giallouromados Bertigoboullaroshillos ?

I thought it was a "Ra" :?

Mutations work in mysterious ways, young aspiring cadet... Image
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Agios Ionas wrote:
Oracle wrote:it's like saying finding the gene for brown eyes can be used to cure you so that you can have blue eyes ....

Blue eyes are actually the result of a genetic mutation. So I guess those of us with blue/green/grey eyes are the ones who need to be cured. Not the healthy brown eyed people. ;) :)

:shock: Re ma eisai Giallouromados Bertigoboullaroshillos ?

I thought it was a "Ra" :?

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Indeed .... I wish! :lol:
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