CopperLine wrote:Get Real,
Progressive insofar as it is the recognition of a basic human right (sexual orientation); progressive insofar as it is another rejection of religious bigotry; progressive insofar as it is a first recognition that these people can release their own happiness and need no longer live in denial or fear ...
Isn't sexual orientation and expression a basic human right, Get Real ?
Marriage is the legal union between a man and woman as HUSBAND and WIFE, and NOT as husband and husband, or as wife and wife!
"A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one." Genesis.
The essence of marriage is NOT the social gathering of two people announcing their commitment but the RELIGIOUS UNION ONLY POSSIBLE BETWEEN A MAN AND A WOMAN, FORMING A SACRED ENTITY SYMBOLIC TO GOD!
There is nothing “progressive” about homosexual "marriages" for they are nothing but a rebellious stupidity just for the heck of “equal rights” and thus a serious ABUSE to human rights themselves!