It seems a rather crafty way of disposing of a unwanted dog is to give it away as a gift if you haven't the balls to do the usual thing and dump it on the highway .
It seems that someone had given this ladies grandson the dog as a present ~ no doubt they didn't want it anymore so giving it away seemed the logical and easy solution ~ saves on petrol to drive to the highway

The ladies daughter rather than say no thank you we don't want a dog took it and then dumped it on her mother ~ she says she was to shy and embarrassed to say no, after all it was a gift

So now the lady now has the unwanted dog tied up at the back of the house ~ I must admit it's well looked after regarding food / water and the dog isn't in the sun all day as it's tied to a tree and has shade but she really doesn't want it .
I really don't understand the mentality of some folk and I can't understand why the girl accepted the dog as a present for her son in the first place .
I wonder how many times the dog has changed hands on the pretext of being a present just to get rid of it .
As you can guess I refused the offer gracefully much to the disappointment of the lady who thought she had found a likely candidate for the "gift" .
Mind you it's a cute dog and I had to think about it for a few mins