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Gift of a dog ?

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Gift of a dog ?

Postby Bill » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:04 am

Took a trip up to small village near pissouri yesterday and was offered a small dog .

It seems a rather crafty way of disposing of a unwanted dog is to give it away as a gift if you haven't the balls to do the usual thing and dump it on the highway .

It seems that someone had given this ladies grandson the dog as a present ~ no doubt they didn't want it anymore so giving it away seemed the logical and easy solution ~ saves on petrol to drive to the highway :roll: .

The ladies daughter rather than say no thank you we don't want a dog took it and then dumped it on her mother ~ she says she was to shy and embarrassed to say no, after all it was a gift :? .

So now the lady now has the unwanted dog tied up at the back of the house ~ I must admit it's well looked after regarding food / water and the dog isn't in the sun all day as it's tied to a tree and has shade but she really doesn't want it .

I really don't understand the mentality of some folk and I can't understand why the girl accepted the dog as a present for her son in the first place .

I wonder how many times the dog has changed hands on the pretext of being a present just to get rid of it .

As you can guess I refused the offer gracefully much to the disappointment of the lady who thought she had found a likely candidate for the "gift" .

Mind you it's a cute dog and I had to think about it for a few mins

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Postby roseandchan » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:21 am

hi bill, we always get these sort of problems. any unwanted dog or puppies are always brought to our house , they think because we are english we are a soft touch. no is always the answer. we have already 2 english dogs and one cyprus dog which was dumped on us at 3 weeks old. she speaks english now! i did speak to a man here, he just lets his dogs breed every season, causing loads of unwanted puppies. he knows its wrong but still does it. too tight to spend any money at the vets. i don't agree with dogs as gifts anyway.
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Postby purdey » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:30 am

I think the Engish are regarded as a soft touch were animals in Cyprus are concerned. There are very few ex pats that are animal free, most are either rescued or give aways.
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Postby Bill » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:33 am

purdey wrote:I think the Engish are regarded as a soft touch were animals in Cyprus are concerned. There are very few ex pats that are animal free, most are either rescued or give aways.

I have a parrot ~ does that count :lol:

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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:38 am

purdey wrote:I think the Engish are regarded as a soft touch were animals in Cyprus are concerned. There are very few ex pats that are animal free, most are either rescued or give aways.

Right there. I never imagined that one day I would be bringing up pets. However, I have two cats in the flat, both rescued as small kittens, one of which I brought up from the bottle. I also have to take that one out for a daily walk every evening because he isn't happy being indoors all the time!
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Postby roseandchan » Tue Jun 03, 2008 11:38 am

i brought 2 of mine from uk big expense but wouldn't leave my 8 year old shar pei ,chan behind. does your parrot speak? is it well behaved?
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Postby Bill » Tue Jun 03, 2008 6:54 pm

roseandchan wrote:. does your parrot speak? is it well behaved?

She has a large vocabulary and copies voices perfectly also there's a large selection of sounds such as ambulance, truck reversing , various wild birds ( including a owl ) telephone tones and door bell , the cat and dog sounds are very realistic .

She will ask for a tickle or a kiss when she wants one and say "no kiss" if she doesn't ~ all in all a very clever girl .

Now you asked if she is well behaved , with me she is a angel :shock:

She will ask for a tickle then lower her head ~ she loves to be tickled all over ~ she doesn't bite and is hand tame, often flying from the cage to my out stretched arm ~ she will often sit on my knee or the coffee table if I'm on the laptop.

Now comes the big problem she doesn't like my wife at all and will go into attack mode if my wife goes anywhere near the cage or me .

Parrots often bond with one person and get very jealous if that person is shown any attention from anywhere else .

She is 4 years old and I bought her from a lady that due to having a young family couldn't give her the attention she needed ~ for some unknown reason she took to me instantly ~ within a couple of minutes of seeing her she was rubbing the top of her head under my chin which surprised the lady selling her .

So if your inquiry was because you are thinking of buying a parrot I would think very carefully as they can often be more demanding than a dog ( except they don't need taking out ) or a cat ~ as I said before they bond usually with one person often to the exclusion of others ~ they live for about 50 years so it's a long time commitment and the longer you keep it the harder it will be to re home ~ also they are very expensive.

If you do need any advice drop me a pm and I give you my email addy.

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Postby webbo » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:39 pm

Bill wrote:
roseandchan wrote:. does your parrot speak? is it well behaved?

She has a large vocabulary and copies voices perfectly also there's a large selection of sounds such as ambulance, truck reversing , various wild birds ( including a owl ) telephone tones and door bell , the cat and dog sounds are very realistic .

She will ask for a tickle or a kiss when she wants one and say "no kiss" if she doesn't ~ all in all a very clever girl .

Now you asked if she is well behaved , with me she is a angel :shock:

She will ask for a tickle then lower her head ~ she loves to be tickled all over ~ she doesn't bite and is hand tame, often flying from the cage to my out stretched arm ~ she will often sit on my knee or the coffee table if I'm on the laptop.

Now comes the big problem she doesn't like my wife at all and will go into attack mode if my wife goes anywhere near the cage or me .

Parrots often bond with one person and get very jealous if that person is shown any attention from anywhere else .

She is 4 years old and I bought her from a lady that due to having a young family couldn't give her the attention she needed ~ for some unknown reason she took to me instantly ~ within a couple of minutes of seeing her she was rubbing the top of her head under my chin which surprised the lady selling her .

So if your inquiry was because you are thinking of buying a parrot I would think very carefully as they can often be more demanding than a dog ( except they don't need taking out ) or a cat ~ as I said before they bond usually with one person often to the exclusion of others ~ they live for about 50 years so it's a long time commitment and the longer you keep it the harder it will be to re home ~ also they are very expensive.

If you do need any advice drop me a pm and I give you my email addy.


Bill my boy

You have a sexist parrot! :( :wink:

bubbles x 8)
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Postby roseandchan » Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:18 pm

i had a friend at work who was a gay guy. he had a parrot called polly she was ok with men but use to attack his female cleaner he employed. i think the poor woman gave up the job because of polly
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