We were asked on Thursday night if we would like to attend and if yes could we pick up the girls mum and dad I asked what time and where it is and was told don't worry my mum and dad will show you where it is ~ when I asked what time she replied ask my mum as you will be picking her up .
well here I am on a Saturday evening going out to a place that I haven't got a clue where it is and don't know what time to be there ~ the logical solution was to call the girls parents and ask ~ this simple solution would work anywhere else except Cyprus ~ I called her parents who firstly said they don't know what time to be there and second haven't a clue where it's being held , they thought I knew .
I love Cyprus to bits but I must admit I find it very frustrating at times ~ unless the parents contact their daughter we have no idea where we are going ~ it's not the first time we have been caught by the Cypriot lack of understanding regarding where and what time we have to be somewhere.
I've now lost interest and left it up to the parents to eventually contact their daughter and find out where we are going .
Could be a night out at a local Restaurant with her parents if they can't contact them soon at the worst or a late ( and cold ) meal when we eventually get there at the best
Oh well ~ don't you just love Cyprus

Bill ~ who is thinking how hungry he feels