God my social calender is so full since moving to Cyprus

so much for Oracle's comments that I'm lonely
I was invited to another birthday party yesterday so I thought I'd try Oracle's excellent advice for foreigners on the etiquette of attending Cypriot functions.
I ate a hearty breakfast followed by a light lunch and a decent evening meal then off to the party .
The food on offer were the usual meat dishes plus a couple of delivered extra large pitza hut offerings ~ as is usual in Cyprus there was far more food on offer than could ever be eaten in one evening.
I'm afraid to say that my host was not impressed with your advice as she expected me to be prepared to eat ( as I've always been previously ) not sit there saying no thank you ~ she is now upset and thinks that by eating before I came to the party I obviously do not like her or her food
As a social occasion ( pity about the food ) it must rate as the best for ages as I was the only male there amongst about a dozen young ladies between the ages of 24 to 30 ~ Oh ~ If only I was a few years younger

A couple of girls wanted to practice their English and take the piss out of my attempts at speaking Greek, two or three wanted a date with my youngest son

~ my host told the girls about him

so I was kept occupied all evening.
I made some excellent contacts as they were mostly professional women ( no not that way ) and I now have a pocket full of cards so if I need a lawyer, accountant etc I know where to go ~ very handy for future reference.
Before leaving I was invited to another birthday party, and a engagement ( no doubt a wedding invite will follow ) plus one of the girls desperately wants to improve her English and has asked for my help.
So all in all a very good and entertaining evening but a pity about the advice regarding the food ~ my host will be eating left overs from the fridge for at least the next two days
Bill ~ socially active and apparently fun to be with ~ how about you Oracle ~ can you say the same