Well I decided to hedge my bets and arrived at the girls parents around 7 . 50 pm I just caught the girls brother leaving with his parents ~ the crafty lady had also arranged her brother would pick up her parents just in case I didn't turn up as luck would have it he actually knew where the party was to be held .
Now this may seem strange but I drove for 25 mins to get to the girls parents house as they live out of town ~ only to drive back into town to a restaurant that I often use that's 5 mins from my home ~ her brother who actually picked them up lives 5 mins away from them and passes their house on the way to town
The meal was awful ~ after the salad and dips a small packet of silver paper was delivered to my plate which on opening I found goats brains ~ passed on that one .
Next up were snails tastefully arranged on a bed of rice ~ passed on that too.
Next came small plates of pasta with lots of grated haloumi on top but sadly I was to slow and it had all gone by the time I got to it~ I couldn't even see any available two tables down so I gave up on that one
Then we went the whole way and a sheep's heads were delivered to the table ~ hmm nice ~ it was beginning to look like I should have eaten before I left home as I passed on that course too.
Next was a plate of very very fatty pork cooked in a wine sauce ~ as I couldn't spot any actual meat in there I passed on that too as I've never been a fan of eating fat that someone has waved a bit of meat over it.
Then came plates of little birds ~ dozens of the poor things all laying on their backs with their little legs sticking up in the air ~ yes you guessed I passed on that as well .
Luckily the restaurant owner had spotted that I hadn't actually eaten anything except a couple of pieces of bread with one of the dips and asked if I wanted a pork mix ~ I gratefully accepted and actually had something I could eat ~ yippee
The arrival of my mixed kebab also coincided with more sheep's heads ( I think ) this time cut in half

being delivered to the tables.
Obviously the hosts had ordered the food they like and gave no consideration to anyone else although I must admit most of those present ate everything as if they hadn't eaten for a week ~ talk about move up the trough just about sums it up .
Seats for 45 were booked and 31 actually turned up ~ could it be the food

~ to be fair I have used this restaurant many times and the food has always been superb but tonight as the food was ordered specially it didn't appeal to me at all.
I'll eat before leaving home next time ~ if there is a next time and then I won't have to worry about the food they have ordered .
I got into the usual problems regarding drinking ~ I don't drink and drive and everyone around my end of the table were constantly insisting that I should have a drink ~ I'm afraid comments such as " go on have a drink , it's ok you are in Cyprus now , it's allowed " don't go down very well with me
To finish the night of I noticed the hosts brother disappearing ~ this meant that it looked like I was taking her parents home even though it was well out of my way .
It was without doubt a strange night and I think I'll be declining the next invite.