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WTS - lvl70 rogue

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Moderator: Piratis

WTS - lvl70 rogue

Postby marbrax » Fri May 30, 2008 9:04 pm

I want to sell my world of warcraft account. It has a level70 rogue on it.
The gear is TK/SSC quality. Full Epic.

PvP stats: Unbuffed
2100 attack power
29% critical strike rating
Highest Arena 2v2 rating 1790
22000 Life Time Honorable Kills.

PvE gear stats: Unbuffed
1750 attack power
287 hit rating
25% critical strike
Does about 1300 dps on bosses. 1430 highest ever reached by the character.

375 Leatherworking
365 Engineering

Got 1100 gold in the character. About 60 Badge of Justice. Many mats in bank.

Bids start from 100 Euro.

For any more information contact me on MSN - [email protected]

PP. I dont speak greek so keep it in english
PP2. There is 1 greek guild on the realm
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