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Postby devil » Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:45 pm

OK, Nick. I'm beginning to understand you. I don't want to patronise you but when I was your age a long and bloody war had just drawn to a close and I was fomented, a bit like you are today. I'm now over 4½ times your age and, I hope, a lot wiser than I was in the 1940s. However, I have many very happy memories of Cyprus in the pre-EOKA days, when GC and TC lived together, often going to the same coffee shops. If you haven't experienced this, you are hardly in a position to judge. I can assure you that most of my GC friends of that time were opposed to the murders and violence committed by EOKA.

I've said in these forums that it was the Brits who forced the rift between GCs and TCs between 1955 and 1960, In reality, this is only a half-truth, because it was the EOKA "terrorists" who really forced them to act in that way. The result, we all know.

In summary, you are like many of the young GCs I knew in the 1950s, allowing their heart to rule their head. Emotions, and especially emotions such as your's, should have no place in politics; they are no substitute for intelligence. So, please, Nick, read up the history of this island and weigh up why the different parties in conflict acted as they did from all sides of the arguments. When you have done this, please come back here and we can continue this discussion coolly and calmly. In the meanwhile I sincerely suggest you have not yet sufficient experience to really discuss such weighty matters.
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:15 pm

Nick, come back when you've grown up and we might then lend some credence to the dross that you're writing. If you believe that Greek civilisation is so superior, tell me this... what have the Greeks given to the world in the past 1,000 years? (No offence to anyone else, but let's see how much history this boy really knows)

Word of advice... don't believe everything your dad says... dad's can somtimes be wrong. If he's bringing you up to believe this nonsense and to believe that one day you will fight in a war to liberate Constantinople, then he's committing a form of mental child abuse.

I don't know where you're getting your history lessons from, but you really do have no idea. I would have thought that someone of your age would be able to distinguish between propaganda and realism by now. Anyway, until you grow up a little bit, I am adopting a policy of not responding to your ill-conceived and immature posts. Others are free to do so, but if we ignore you, we deny you the ammunition you so clearly crave. I feel sorry for you if you really believe this, I really pity you.
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Postby NickTheGreek » Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:51 pm

One may notice when he studies the englishman, what is known as intellectual elitism. The belief that 'The Times of London said it ergo it is fact'. I recommend a good book for englishman: 'Manufacturing Consent' by Ed Hermann and Noam Chomsky.
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Postby cannedmoose » Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:56 pm

Nick, you should be ashamed to write stuff like this during Holy Week. I guess you're showing that you're not quite 'all Greek' after all. As for Chomsky, I wouldn't read one of his books if you paid me to.
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Postby NickTheGreek » Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:57 pm

cannedmoose wrote:Nick, you should be ashamed to write stuff like this during Holy Week. I guess you're showing that you're not quite 'all Greek' after all. As for Chomsky, I wouldn't read one of his books if you paid me to.

Indeed, fear of fact is another thing you will notice. Do you think that The NATO throwing the bombs against Serbian Innocents was a good thing mr english?
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Postby erolz » Wed Apr 27, 2005 7:46 pm

cannedmoose wrote:As for Chomsky, I wouldn't read one of his books if you paid me to.

Hey don't drag Noam Chomsky into this! There are few people alive I have more respect for than Noam Chomsky.
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Postby garbitsch » Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:15 pm

So you read Manufacturing Consent? Haven't you ever thought of yourself being part of the "bewildered herd", which was "bewildered" by full of stupid propagandas injected by the government? I think, that book best suits to you NicktheSick.
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Postby hopenot » Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:17 pm

well said i think you have hit the nail on the head and your letter is very well put well done
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Postby NickTheGreek » Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:56 pm

garbitsch wrote:So you read Manufacturing Consent? Haven't you ever thought of yourself being part of the "bewildered herd", which was "bewildered" by full of stupid propagandas injected by the government? I think, that book best suits to you NicktheSick.

Hey, I'm not the one that denies genocides because my Government says they don't exist. I live in Britain and every day I say "FUCK BRITAIN" because I hate these right wing governments so much (Con/Lab/Lib Dem)
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Postby sk » Wed Apr 27, 2005 10:12 pm

hi nick! i understand your frustation about some things in the history of cyprus but i am afraid this is not the right place to talk about this site we try to help people who live or would like to live in cyprus.....if you would like to talk about the history of cyprus why dont u pm me ....maybe we can talk about it through emails.....maybe there are more people in here sharing your opinions but the prpose of this forum is not to argue about politics or history!i look forward to get a pm from you.
my email is [email protected] if you would like to send me an email
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