I regret urging Get Real to examine this case since his first effort completely missed the point of the case.
The RoC claims authority and jurisdiction over the whole of the island (albeit that is contested by TRNC). A citizen of the RoC whose rights have been violated either directly by the competent state (RoC) or whose rights have failed to be upheld by the competent state (RoC) thereby takes a case against that state. The RoC court seems to have found against the complainant not on grounds of competence (i.e that the court could not hear the case or that there was no legal basis for the claim) but that the state was not the proper defendant and that the Missing Persons Commission was the appropriate defendant.
The objection to this judgment is fairly straightforward and if the claimant has got the resources to push the case to appeal and beyond would form the basis of an appeal. Thus the grounds for appeal is likely to be that the state cannot pass its obligations to uphold rights on to another agency and that therefore the High Admin Court was mistaken in law to come to this first judgment. If an appeal failed on those grounds then a case could be brought before the ECHR.