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To Oracle re: Education

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To Oracle re: Education

Postby Sophia1 » Fri May 30, 2008 1:18 am

The GCE was originally introduced in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 1951, replacing the older School Certificate (SC) and Higher School Certificate (HSC). It was intended to cater for the increased range of subjects available to pupils since the raising of the school leaving age from 14 to 15 in 1947. The examinations were graded into ordinary level for 16-year-olds, and advanced level for 18-year-olds. There was also an intermediate level alternative ordinary level (AO-level) and a higher special paper (S-level). In 1988, GCE O-Levels were phased out in favour of the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). GCE A-Levels were retained.

The General Certificate of Education or GCE is a secondary-level academic qualification that examination boards in the United Kingdom confer to students. The GCE traditionally comprised two levels: the Ordinary level (O-level) and the Advanced level (A-Level). More recently examination boards also offer an intermediate third GCE level, the Advanced Subsidiary level (AS-level).

The O Level English Language syllabus enables students to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively and to understand and respond appropriately and imaginatively to what they read and experience. They will employ different forms of writing to suit a range of purposes and will show that they can understand the content and argument of given texts.

GCE Ordinary Level
Syllabus 1123
To develop the ability of candidates to:
• communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in speech and writing;
• understand and respond appropriately and imaginatively to what they read and experience;
• enjoy and appreciate reading texts in the English Language.
These aims form the basis of a course of study; they may not all be translated into assessment

I thought this may come in handy. It would be wrong to dislike an induvidual who has know knowledge but to insult an unknown person is pointless.

Hope this is enough information, you asked a 50 year old gentleman?? Give me a break..
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Re: To Oracle re: Education

Postby Oracle » Fri May 30, 2008 1:43 am

Sophia1 wrote:In 1988, GCE O-Levels were phased out in favour of the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). ....

Thank you for proving my point .... :lol:

So you agree with your above reference (source?) ... that "O" Levels were phased out in 1988.

You said you were 21 years old (last October-ish) ... so you were born when 1986 ...? :D

That would have made you 2 to 3 years old if you took an "O" level exam before they were phased out (and replaced by GCSEs) :lol:

They are normally sat when one is 15-16 years old ... you were extremely precocious .... :lol:

This below is the discussion initiated on the matter:

Sophia1 wrote:Listen, I do not care about Paragraphs, whilst speaking to people that have just got in to EDUCATION! I have my O level English thank you very much. Got demoted to the kitchen??? LOL No sweet heart I am from uk and I am sorry if you think that I am hot shit because I am from the uk but that is not the case, sorry if the truth hurts but next time you lot come and graduate from OUR universities and using OUR products be thankful and spread the word.

phoenix wrote:EXCUSE ME Sophia . . . gulp!

BUT, but you said you were 21 years old in your first post.

I don't know any 21 year-olds who even remember the "O" levels let alone HAVE one . .
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Re: To Oracle re: Education

Postby boomerang » Fri May 30, 2008 1:44 am

Sophia1 wrote:The GCE was originally introduced in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in 1951, replacing the older School Certificate (SC) and Higher School Certificate (HSC). It was intended to cater for the increased range of subjects available to pupils since the raising of the school leaving age from 14 to 15 in 1947. The examinations were graded into ordinary level for 16-year-olds, and advanced level for 18-year-olds. There was also an intermediate level alternative ordinary level (AO-level) and a higher special paper (S-level). In 1988, GCE O-Levels were phased out in favour of the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). GCE A-Levels were retained.

The General Certificate of Education or GCE is a secondary-level academic qualification that examination boards in the United Kingdom confer to students. The GCE traditionally comprised two levels: the Ordinary level (O-level) and the Advanced level (A-Level). More recently examination boards also offer an intermediate third GCE level, the Advanced Subsidiary level (AS-level).

The O Level English Language syllabus enables students to communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively and to understand and respond appropriately and imaginatively to what they read and experience. They will employ different forms of writing to suit a range of purposes and will show that they can understand the content and argument of given texts.

GCE Ordinary Level
Syllabus 1123
To develop the ability of candidates to:
• communicate accurately, appropriately and effectively in speech and writing;
• understand and respond appropriately and imaginatively to what they read and experience;
• enjoy and appreciate reading texts in the English Language.
These aims form the basis of a course of study; they may not all be translated into assessment

I thought this may come in handy. It would be wrong to dislike an induvidual who has know knowledge but to insult an unknown person is pointless.

Hope this is enough information, you asked a 50 year old gentleman?? Give me a break..

Is this a Freudian slip Sophia?

PS...I am turning a blind eye to the "induvidual" slip...shit happens :lol:

Again all the best with your "O" levels
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 30, 2008 1:50 am

Sophia1 wrote:I made it my dream to live in Cyprus 2 years ago, I was 19 years old. Could not wait to have the bright blue sea and sunshine everyday. ....

Sophia's very first post ..... October, 2007 ... sc&start=0
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