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Provoking Men with Perfume in Turkey .....

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Provoking Men with Perfume in Turkey .....

Postby Oracle » Thu May 29, 2008 7:05 pm

"Women have to be more careful than men"

From an article by Robert Tait: Guardian Thursday May 29 2008

A powerful Turkish state body Diyanet, has urged women to cover up and behave modestly to avoid provoking male sexual desire.

They equated flirting with adultery and condemned women for wearing perfume putting the onus squarely on women by urging them to cover up and behave modestly to avoid provoking male sexual desires.

"Women have to be more careful, since they have stimulants," the article stated. "Muhammad did not think kindly of women who put on perfumes outside their homes and go strolling and saw this as immoral behaviour."

I wonder how this would go down with the Parisienne Perfumers if Turkey joins us in the EU? :lol:
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Postby Raymanoff » Thu May 29, 2008 7:19 pm

it all have to do with religion, it have to be banned everywhere :D
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Postby Get Real! » Thu May 29, 2008 7:32 pm

I trust Parisian laboratories will tap into this sensitive market with resistible alternatives such as…

“Turk-allah” : A celebration of bodily scents taken during packed prayer in a Mosque…

“Adanabreath” : Garlic, onion, and oregano kebabish scent…

“CurseOfAyshe” : A fine blend of Egyptian tomb scent and kiofte…

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Postby smokely » Thu May 29, 2008 11:52 pm

actually it seems like there is an exaggeration about this article. ministiry of Diyanet indicates such silly yhings all the time, but i think the problem is with the people who knows that is not true and keeps on talking about it. muslım relıgıon i think is perfect but for whom knows exactly what it is. I drink alcohol.use drugs,do not prayi I never go to mosque, I do whatever I want and I live in Turkey and i am a muslim but in the same time I have a deep respect for all the religions. this depends on mainly characteristics of each,there is no muslım, christian,jew or whatever, there is only two things that seperates the people and it is good people and bad people. good bye Lenin
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 30, 2008 12:18 am

smokely wrote:actually it seems like there is an exaggeration about this article. ministiry of Diyanet indicates such silly yhings all the time, but i think the problem is with the people who knows that is not true and keeps on talking about it. muslım relıgıon i think is perfect but for whom knows exactly what it is. I drink alcohol.use drugs,do not prayi I never go to mosque, I do whatever I want and I live in Turkey and i am a muslim but in the same time I have a deep respect for all the religions. this depends on mainly characteristics of each,there is no muslım, christian,jew or whatever, there is only two things that seperates the people and it is good people and bad people. good bye Lenin

Hello smokely ... what is this exaggeration about the article? ... These statements were made recently, and have not had an impact yet.

The worry expressed by secular women in Turkey, is that such statements will be used to avoid justice if "modern" Turkish women .. or foreign women in Turkey ... are raped or molested whilst being "provocative" with such small things as wearing ornaments and perfume.

It absolves men from responsibility.

Don't you see that could be worrying for women?
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Postby smokely » Fri May 30, 2008 12:32 am

what are you talking about? who can say that, she was raped because she was wearing ornaments or perfume.nobody can say that. trust me. i am an educated and very very secular turkish guy and these are bullshit. I know what AKP is and I know what these secular women trying to do is. their only problem with the government and they say everything to corrupt the government's effect but they do not think that they are blaming the whole country
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 30, 2008 12:37 am

smokely wrote:what are you talking about? who can say that, she was raped because she was wearing ornaments or perfume.nobody can say that. trust me. i am an educated and very very secular turkish guy and these are bullshit. I know what AKP is and I know what these secular women trying to do is. their only problem with the government and they say everything to corrupt the government's effect but they do not think that they are blaming the whole country

From that same article showing that women are worried about this ...

"Yusuf Kanli, a columnist in the English-language Turkish Daily News, said it reflected a "very primitive mindset", adding: "Is this mentality at all different with that of the Taliban that placed Afghan women behind chadors?"

Kizbes Aydin, the head of Cigle Evka2, a female cultural group, said that the recommendations incited violence against women. "They justify the implementation of violence with excuses such as 'she has perfume', or 'she dressed up provocatively'."
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Postby smokely » Fri May 30, 2008 12:52 am

justifiyng these actions with the only support of this recomendations? It sounds weird to me. coz we have court we have law. one can not say I raped coz she was wearing provocatively? and believe me people who can rape a woman because of her being provocative or smelling very sexy do not have any knowledge about what the government said or what is going on or more logically, one can not rape or do something because of that recommendations. it is absurd. you get up in the morning and you read your newspaper and you say ''oh Diyanet says this, I should go out and rape a woman immediately''. okeyto
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 30, 2008 12:56 am

smokely wrote:justifiyng these actions with the only support of this recomendations? It sounds weird to me. coz we have court we have law. one can not say I raped coz she was wearing provocatively? and believe me people who can rape a woman because of her being provocative or smelling very sexy do not have any knowledge about what the government said or what is going on or more logically, one can not rape or do something because of that recommendations. it is absurd. you get up in the morning and you read your newspaper and you say ''oh Diyanet says this, I should go out and rape a woman immediately''. okeyto

Well now you are trying to ridicule women's fears ... so there is a basis for worry .....
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Postby smokely » Fri May 30, 2008 1:08 am

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