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power steering problem

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power steering problem

Postby tessintrnc » Wed May 28, 2008 9:05 am

I lent my car to a friend who told me on their return that the power steering had "gone" on my car. I thought the steering wheel was a bit "stiff" but I know absolutely nothing about cars!!! Is this a hard to fix problem? and is it dangerous?


Tess - particularly "blond" when it comes to cars :lol:
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Postby halil » Wed May 28, 2008 9:38 am

have you check power steering fluid level .İs it ok .

if it is ok .power steering pump needs replacement/maintenance
may be only needs to replace seal ring .

it will coast .

good luck
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Postby Oracle » Wed May 28, 2008 9:39 am

I think the girls should help each other sort this one .... :wink:

Tess check the little bottle that you have to top up with "brake-steering fluid" gungey stuff first.

You will need to open the bonnet ... can you do that?
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Postby Xybadog » Wed May 28, 2008 1:40 pm

Is it making a noise? It could also be the power steering belt that has lost tension. Simnple and cost-free to remedy if it is that.
Could be a number of things. It could be something to do with the electrics that feed to the power steering. Best bet is to take it to a garage top check it out. They shouldn't charge to diagnose.
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed May 28, 2008 1:51 pm

Thanks everyone!! Oracle I DO know how to open the bonnet!!! BUT :oops: Do NOT know what I am looking at once open........ :wink:
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Postby webbo » Wed May 28, 2008 2:43 pm

tessintrnc wrote:Thanks everyone!! Oracle I DO know how to open the bonnet!!! BUT :oops: Do NOT know what I am looking at once open........ :wink:

I am nearly with you on this one Tess :oops:
Hey! I can put petrol, water and oil in - and in the correct apertures! :roll: :wink: :wink:

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Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 28, 2008 3:00 pm

Hello Ladies - Mrs Cobbett here - bill c. has left the machine logged on, so here is my advice.

Firstly never risk damaging your nails on filthy car engines! If God had meant us to open car bonnets, ( where is a car's bonnet? ) He would have given us male genes and smaller brains.

So get your partner out of the pub, kafenion, cabaret etc. Give him a long list of the problems that need fixing around the house/garden/car and of course throw in his deficiencies in the male area for good measure. If nothing is done ( usually the case ) give him the usual female punishments. I would recommend the silent, don't say a word to him for days, torture. They hate this and after a few days, a few things on the list get sorted and they can be suitably rewarded as only we females know how. You may have your own punishments and rewards to keep them in line and of course repeat the treatment at regular intervals, whether justified or not.


....mrs bill c. ....She who must be obeyed
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Postby webbo » Wed May 28, 2008 3:05 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Hello Ladies - Mrs Cobbett here - bill c. has left the machine logged on, so here is my advice.

Get your partner out of the pub, kafenion, cabaret etc. Give him a long list of the problems that need fixing around the house/garden/car and of course throw in his deficiencies in the male area for good measure. If nothing is done ( usually the case ) give him the usual female punishments. I would recommend the silent, don't say a word to him for days, torture. They hate this and after a few days, a few things on the list get sorted and they can be suitably rewarded as only we females know how. You may have your own punishments and rewards to keep them in line and of course repeat the treatment at regular intervals, whether justified or not.


....mrs bill c. ....She who must be obeyed

Mrs BC, I admire your thinking. :) Sounds as though you have been perfecting this art for a number of years.
Please feel free to extend your wisdom further :) I will digest all the above and use it when appropriate! :wink: :wink:

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Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 28, 2008 3:13 pm

Bless you W. One other piece of advice. I would recommend finding out their internet passwords to keep an eye on the sites our beloved other halves visit.


... an untrusting mrs bill c.
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Postby tessintrnc » Wed May 28, 2008 3:16 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Hello Ladies - Mrs Cobbett here - bill c. has left the machine logged on, so here is my advice.

Firstly never risk damaging your nails on filthy car engines! If God had meant us to open car bonnets, ( where is a car's bonnet? ) He would have given us male genes and smaller brains.

So get your partner out of the pub, kafenion, cabaret etc. Give him a long list of the problems that need fixing around the house/garden/car and of course throw in his deficiencies in the male area for good measure. If nothing is done ( usually the case ) give him the usual female punishments. I would recommend the silent, don't say a word to him for days, torture. They hate this and after a few days, a few things on the list get sorted and they can be suitably rewarded as only we females know how. You may have your own punishments and rewards to keep them in line and of course repeat the treatment at regular intervals, whether justified or not.


....mrs bill c. ....She who must be obeyed

Thank you so much!!! And of course why deprive oneself of the pleasure of watching those soooooooooooo handsome young men who masquarade as mechanics (should be models) !! :lol:
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