What is diplomatic about invading another country and removing its inhabitants ?
When you honour a signed diplomatic treaty the gives you the right to protect yourself.This diplomatic treaty as all of us know, is the Treaty of Guarantee. Its not micky mouse stuff its deadly serious. Its all too easily overlooked, and its consequences not fully appreciated. Its is there to create some kind of a balance. It is a major stone on which an independent Cyprus was formed.
Let’s put the shoe on the other foot and ask what is diplomatic about not honoring your treaty obligations, and leaving
100,000 tc’s in the hands of Eoka, and probable Enosis.
We of course regret that 200,000 lost homes, but if you were faced with the choice of very possible genocide of gc’s, and very probable Cypriot union with Turkey, what would you have chosen?
And then thirty years later would you be willing to give it back, and risk going through the same thing all over again?