Hi Sega and Z4
Glad you like the YouTube. Not much of an update yet.
We were assured of an investigation under section 303a of the penal code (according to which when someone negotiates the sale of a property that belongs to another person, this constitutes a crime and it is also punishable by up to 7 years’ imprisonment.) Not asking for much is it. An investigation into how a house can be sold twice. Karayiannas better have friends all the way up to Strasbourg to escape this one. Paralimni CID won’t help them there.
This assurance came from a level higher than any other previous promises (Actually the Minister of the Interior told the TV last August he was looking into this so I’m not sure if its higher or not but in any event it’s all gone EU now)
We will keep pushing all authorities and keep the forum updated.
Other than that not much but I did do this new logo for KarayAnus.
This is theirs
It keeps me occupied while we wait for justice.
Traffic to our website has helped enormously gathering evidence against this company. Any little amusing bit that may be talked about in a bar in Cyprus can land information upon our laps, its all good.
Hi Di-Di glad you like the YouTube. Good news today for Fiesty (see other thread)
Talk soon
Oracle wrote:Do we really need two boring threads such as this, cluttering up the forum
... kindly stick to one for your inane exchanges ....

BTW is that youtube affiliated?
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Oracle trying to censor..How about that. Don't like what you hear.
YouTube is an option button just like the little smiley’s you use.
2 threads? Don’t think so dummy. The Property protest was not just us. Not
Conor O'Dwyer and family Vs.
Christoforos Karayiannas and Son Ltd.
But you don’t get it and you never will. You are blinded with hate and this is way over your head.
Jump in anytime about 1974 and the battles you have given up in the past without protesting. If I were your late ancestors I would be disgusted with you. Nearly 4,000 posts in 4 months! Are you stuck to your chair? I haven’t read any of your rubbish except what’s on the threads I've started...But I can guess. Hey doesn’t Turkey have an embassy? Get off your arse and protest if you have been wronged, don't rant like a mad woman on a forum! Show some guts woman. Don’t be an internet coward. Crying to admin all the time they won’t solve the islands issues for you.
I won’t compete with your volume of posts so go pollute another thread with your venom.