Conor, I once again feel inclined to make some comments in connection with the unfortunate position you have found yourself in, I would immediately assure you that I am NOT unsympathetic with your position.
You have gathered quite an impressive mass of evidence to support your campaign against those you have targeted and, (on the face of it) it would appear that you have no cause for concern as to the outcome of your forthcoming court action.
I have perused much of your first web-site and did mention in my last posting that I thought your direct insult to the Father of a certain 'Legal Gentleman', might be of detriment to your case, I maintain my opinion on that point and wish you had not resorted to such a disrespectful attack.
My main interest in your case lies in the early days of negotiation and I think some serious consideration should be given to the first stages of your discontent.
In May of 2005, you made your initial approach towards purchasing 'Off Plan' the property you chose as most suitable for your needs.
Subsequent to paying a small deposit and further into construction, you began to have certain misgivings about the development of other properties and one can fully understand your concerns.
In March of 2006, the web-site ( was (as you describe it) born.
Days later, you informed the developer of it's existence and subsequently the REAL nastiness commenced.
It is the time period between the two dates which captures my interest, surely you had ample opportunity to withdraw from the deal (and quite legitimately) even though you had made further payments on the progress of construction.
If you made ANY disparaging remarks to the developer, family or connections during THAT period, if the developer can produce witnesses to substantiate that you DID, then I fear the strength of your case may be severely weakened and your on-going attacks on the integrity of 'Cypriot Developers' and the 'Cypriot Legal and Police Systems' may cost you dearly.
Whatever recorded/documented evidence you may have collated, whatever support your campaign may have attracted, it is YOU that is on the front line Conor, be wary my friend, there are too many instances in 'Law' where a foregone conclusion can develop into a dissipating illusion, it is at times like that you will find the true value of those who offer you such solid support, if you can find them that is.
Nonetheless Conor, I do wish you the very best of luck, you are a family man and you must appreciate how others feel about their own families, (I think your insult was an awful mistake).