Do you accept or reject human rights violations?
Do you accept or reject segregation?
Do you accept or reject racist discriminations?
Do you accept or reject ethnic cleansing?
Do you accept or reject foreign troops in Cyprus?
Most TCs are "acceptionists" with the exception of few like Kikapu and Bir. Some TCs of course are even more "acceptionists" and they would like to add even more "nice" ingredients in what they call a "solution" to the Cyprus problem. We don't blame them for being acceptionists. If they are offered land and power on the loss of the human and democratic rights of others then why should they reject such a good for them offer? What would stop them? Their conscience?
Most GCs reject such inhuman, criminal, and racist provisions to be the basis of some so called "solution". But some of them like Bananiot, EDI, and a few others are shameless acceptionists even if all the above crimes are committed against members of their own community!