Muzzy70 wrote:Oh yes, let's have another 24 hours to massacre Turkish villagers ! The fact of the matter is that had your 'government' of complete GC's accepted the Turkish proposals then we'd all be in a very different position today. I recommend that you read '30 Hot Days' by Mehmet Ali Birand. Even the genocidal priest Maka thought it was a good book !
Putting all the stories aside, all one has to do to evaluate the 1963..67 inter-communal conflict is to look at the final number of TC victims Vs the number of GC victims and you’ll have a good picture of what REALLY happened.
Statistics NEVER fail to paint the TRUE picture of events…
Cyprus (1955-59)
o WPA3
UK: 142
Turkish Cypriots: 84
Greek Cypriots: 278
o B&J: 100 UK + 500 Cypriots
o 11 Nov. 2000 Times [London]: 100 British soldiers
Cyprus (1963-67)
o B&J: 1,000
Cyprus (1974)
o Clodfelter: 4,500-6,000 Greeks mil/civ k + 2,000-3,000 missing/presumed d. + 300 Turkish mil. k. [= 6,800-9,300]
o Eckhardt: 3,000 civ. + 2,000 mil. = 5,000 (1975-85)
o B&J: 5,000 (1974-78)
o John J. Mearsheimer (Aug. 1990 Atlantic Monthly): 1,500 to 5,000
o Singer:
1. Turkey: 1000
2. Cyprus: 500
o WHPSI: 917 deaths from political violence, 1974