Get Real! wrote:My favorite definition of a “Cypriot” is that of Miltiades who thinks that a “Cypriot” is someone who left permanently for England in 1947, came back to Cyprus for the first time about 20 years later when he saved up enough money, and then repeated the holiday every few years thereafter, each time arriving in his white socks and sandals, carrying a worn out black little wallet with enough pound sterling to buy 5 crates of KEO, and walking around like a complete nincompoop in a pair of shorts while its 25 degrees, looking up high at the now taller skyline and wondering what changed, while at the same time reminiscing about the good old days when he was ten in some little village and got clapped around the ear-hole for climbing up a tree…

So is Miltz a Brit or a "Cypriot" ? :lol
Technically speaking, can the diaspora still be accepted as being Cypriot ? I must say that they have retained alot of the old culture compared to "Cypriots" on our Island.