It seems I have over-estimated every-ones endurance capacity with my little exercise.
It has however allowed some introverts to fully express hidden emotions, in a very colourful mode, and so now I hope they feel better in themselves, having dished out their hell and damnation evangelisms

May I suggest some consultations with an "Urban dictionary" to acquaint yourselves with the fascinating changes happening in our language.
Deniz ... I am surprised at the concentrated force exploding from your vent, and feel gladdened you stumbled into this thread for this long-overdue cathartic therapy.
Bubbles took up the bait like a seasoned fishwife; amazing how oblivious to the game she remained. A true enigma! .... Perhaps she has been waiting too long to have one of her oracle-bashings and that took precedence over reason. She certainly had her troops at the ready. Guided missiles poised for trouble brewing.
Maybe even those who profess to not desiring the protective elements of Political Correctness, are not quite as ready as they assumed.
Experiment over, observations made, results collated, conclusion established, hypothesis supplemented.
You are safe, for now, little guinea-pigs, back in your cages.