Oracle wrote:Eliko wrote:If that be the case, I would like to apologize unreservedly if he felt offended by such a comment.
Eliko my potato-picking, banana-republic, liberal-lefty, sewer-mouth .... don't let that fascist spaghetti-bender, pizza-puking dago newbie make you give up your freedom of speech rights and become another politically-correct f@@king fascist forum rule slave ( ..... actually PC is not mentioned in forum rules) dictating how you post.
So make mine a black espresso coffee and tell the lackey boyoe to hop to it, the spastic cretin, otherwise I'll put him on a slow banana boat to slity-eye land.
He's probably a poof anyway.![]()
Hang loose from this Greasy Greek.![]()
(Watch white-trash Bubbles explode!)
...... pass me the friggin shovel ... No, not the spade!
Oracle, thank you, I'm feeling better already.