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Raft Races ?.

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Postby webbo » Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:52 pm

Very deep post Eliko

Who won? Did you enter or just spectate?

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby murf62 » Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:25 pm

The PWRR won with their A-Team construction. We came in 2nd behind them, but came 4th overall because our raft design hadn't changed much since last year (when we won).
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:17 am

webbo wrote:Very deep post Eliko

Who won? Did you enter or just spectate?

Bubbles x 8)

Bubbles x, please excuse my lack of response to your question, my time was somewhat limited due to the fact that I am using the equipment of my 'Hosts' and could not spend too much time using it.

(although I did make some comments elsewhere)

murf62 supplied the answer to your first query, as to the second, I did not actually participate in the 'Seafaring' events and must say that I am sorry I was unable to since all the entries were fully manned, I would have been pleased to have assisted had the opportunity presented itself.

I did however, assist in carrying some of the rafts to and from the launch and finishing sites, the latter being more useful since the participants were (in most cases ) quite exhausted.

The weather was glorious and I had a good swim and a fine lunch in the local restaurant (Grilled Salmon) which is recommendable, all in all I had a most enjoyable time.

I will certainly keep an eye open for any future events held in that location, excellent experience. :) :wink:
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Postby webbo » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:59 am

murf62 wrote:The PWRR won with their A-Team construction. We came in 2nd behind them, but came 4th overall because our raft design hadn't changed much since last year (when we won).

Well done :) Hope you enjoyed yourself.

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby webbo » Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:01 am

Eliko wrote:
webbo wrote:Very deep post Eliko

Who won? Did you enter or just spectate?

Bubbles x 8)

Bubbles x, please excuse my lack of response to your question, my time was somewhat limited due to the fact that I am using the equipment of my 'Hosts' and could not spend too much time using it.

(although I did make some comments elsewhere)

murf62 supplied the answer to your first query, as to the second, I did not actually participate in the 'Seafaring' events and must say that I am sorry I was unable to since all the entries were fully manned, I would have been pleased to have assisted had the opportunity presented itself.

I did however, assist in carrying some of the rafts to and from the launch and finishing sites, the latter being more useful since the participants were (in most cases ) quite exhausted.

The weather was glorious and I had a good swim and a fine lunch in the local restaurant (Grilled Salmon) which is recommendable, all in all I had a most enjoyable time.

I will certainly keep an eye open for any future events held in that location, excellent experience. :) :wink:

No worries Eliko mou. Glad you enjoyed yourself and joined in the fun!

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby robant » Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:16 pm

Eliko bring lots of bananas.....put them where you like...and you`ll shout louder
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Postby Eliko » Mon Jun 02, 2008 3:57 pm

robant wrote:Eliko bring lots of bananas.....put them where you like...and you`ll shout louder

Welcome to the forum robant, your first encounter is much appreciated, now if you will kindly bend over, I think I know a place where the said bananas might be gratefully accepted by your good self. :lol: :lol: :wink:

Best Wishes and good luck with your postings. :wink:
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Postby webbo » Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:09 pm

Eliko wrote:
robant wrote:Eliko bring lots of bananas.....put them where you like...and you`ll shout louder

Welcome to the forum robant, your first encounter is much appreciated, now if you will kindly bend over, I think I know a place where the said bananas might be gratefully accepted by your good self. :lol: :lol: :wink:

Best Wishes and good luck with your postings. :wink:

Is this a private joke or can anyone join in? :lol:

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby Eliko » Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:38 am

webbo wrote:
Eliko wrote:
robant wrote:Eliko bring lots of bananas.....put them where you like...and you`ll shout louder

Welcome to the forum robant, your first encounter is much appreciated, now if you will kindly bend over, I think I know a place where the said bananas might be gratefully accepted by your good self. :lol: :lol: :wink:

Best Wishes and good luck with your postings. :wink:

Is this a private joke or can anyone join in? :lol:

Bubbles x 8)

Bubbles, I was a little puzzled when I received that post from 'robant' as it seemed to be totally uncalled for and naturally I responded in what I considered to be an appropriate manner.

However, having looked back over 'robant's' past postings (of which there are very few), I notice that he made his debut (I think) with "Want to move to Cyprus from Italy".

In that initial post, he seemed to be having a little difficulty with procedure and I fear I may have upset him with my contribution when I referred to him as a 'Spaghetti Bender'

If that be the case, I would like to apologize unreservedly if he felt offended by such a comment.

Robant, I certainly did not mean any offence to either you or your countrymen, I considered my remark to be quite harmless and in no way insulting since it is commonly used in a friendly manner generally.

I choose to advertise my apology rather than pm you, thus ensuring that the insult (as you perceive it to be) should also receive the attention of other members.

Best Wishes to you and sorry for the crude introduction to the forum. Eliko. :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jun 03, 2008 10:19 am

Eliko wrote:If that be the case, I would like to apologize unreservedly if he felt offended by such a comment.

Eliko my potato-picking, banana-republic, liberal-lefty, sewer-mouth .... don't let that fascist spaghetti-bender, pizza-puking dago newbie make you give up your freedom of speech rights and become another politically-correct f@@king fascist forum rule slave ( ..... actually PC is not mentioned in forum rules :shock: ) dictating how you post.

So make mine a black espresso coffee and tell the lackey boyoe to hop to it, the spastic cretin, otherwise I'll put him on a slow banana boat to slity-eye land.

He's probably a poof anyway. :roll:

Hang loose from this Greasy Greek. 8)

(Watch white-trash Bubbles explode! :wink: )

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