Oracle wrote:CAZZIE wrote:Don't know what sort of men you go out with but can seriously say I have never been out with 1 who smells of rotten eggs. Prefer ashtrays to that.
Miltiades is into "catering" so he meets all sorts of men!

The worst offenders are the Kurds , I have to wear a mask when talking to them but as soon as I see the colour of their money the only smell I can feel is the sweet scent of dosh !!
Oracle I'm pleased your considering giving up that horrid habit of... chocolate eating !!
Cazzie you have to realize that smoking is now dated , and you too Oracle , it is no longer cool as it once was , unless you are a Cypriot , it is mostly a habit of the third world , all Pakistanis , Bangladeshis , Kurds and Turks as well as Cypriots smoke.
Come to think of it there is one Italian lady who is absolutely gorgeous I have to try hard to resist her charm that is until she opens her mouth ,boy does she smell of stale tobacco and booze puts me right off !!