JoJo wrote:Hello George. Howz things?
Cyprus is really overpriced!!!!! So I suggest you do what everyone else does and just shop from the internet. Why should we all support the local natives for? Ebay UK is everyone's best friend. I have a shop, but it is actually just a showroom in theory. We are in the home entertainment industry and all the new people that come to Cyprus just come to have a look, ask a few questions and quickly go home to spend days and days on the net to find a place to buy it from. But they will not buy from Cyprus, heaven forbid. They may only save a few euro's. So now we have a sign saying "advice is not free". Some people we know, only buy food and petrol from Cyprus. Since the majority of people that are moving here are from the UK, I will refer to the UK. Since everything is toooooooooooo expensive here, alot of the Brit's go back to the UK every couple of months to do there shopping there. And since they are there, they take orders from people and bring them things back too (we have to save on the postage though as well).
Everyone moves to Cyprus to have a better way of life. But if everyone shops on the net, how are the local businesses going to survive? Or a people just happy to have the sun shining and nothing else?
I am waiting to be down and be called a racist, so bring it on!

Racist, not sure, unsympathetic and possibly bitter because your business is maybe not doing so well - yes!
Let's face it, we all look out for a bargain whether at home, adopted country or whilst on holiday! As George has just moved here - at no doubt quite an expense, it is only natural to be thrifty; so why not save a few euros when you can!
Ask yourself this, if, as you say 'Brits' have to go home to shop (I doubt the severity of your numbers and trips!), don't you think it is time to reduce your prices and bring in the customers? Do not elude yourself that this behavior is exclusive to Brits. My Cypriot friend (born and raised in Pafos) quite often flies over to the UK for a quick shopping trip and loves nothing better than going over to Syria for material! Shall I ask her why?
The net is worldwide, so no doubt every country may suffer, so do not even try to single out Cyprus
I do hope that your business succeeds, but please stop putting the onus onto others!
BTW, I honestly believe that both the UK and Cyprus are getting expensive places to live!
Bubbles x