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Height of fences

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Height of fences

Postby viccottam » Mon May 26, 2008 9:33 pm

I aint got any goats may I should get some what do you think.
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Re: Height of fences

Postby cyprusgrump » Tue May 27, 2008 8:55 am

viccottam wrote:I aint got any goats may I should get some what do you think.
Regards vic

They taste good... :wink:
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Postby Feisty » Tue May 27, 2008 9:22 am

I haven't seen one answer on here that matches the answers I've seen on another forum so I'd suggest that no one actually knows the answer.
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Re: Height of fences

Postby pantheman » Tue May 27, 2008 10:56 am

viccottam wrote:I aint got any goats may I should get some what do you think.
Regards vic


as you are in paralimni, why not go the the planning office and ask an official there?

Coming along 1st april Ave from Dherynia, go pas the traffic lights by the banks. About 100m there is a right turn take it and the offices are on your left about 30m from the turning. park the car.

Walk past the cars parker under the building and go th the furthest door and go up stairs to the offices. When you get into the reception area go left and walk down the corridor to the end, last door on your left. This is the Poloedomia (town Planning) there is a chap by the name of Kyriacos, ask him, if he can't tell you, he will know who can. Good luck. They are not there on Thursdays though, better if you go in the morning.

There are many conflicting answers to this question, but I am sure he will be able to tell you.
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Postby Oracle » Tue May 27, 2008 11:55 am

In the UK when such matters are reviewed; you are not entitled to a"view" ...... only light.

So if the wall will put you significantly in the shade and prevent your natural source of light this is considered unacceptable. But if you merely lose a pretty view, that is irrelevant.

I am just speaking from personal experience after seeking planning permission in the UK for a conservatory. I don't know how far this holds in Cyprus though.
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Postby B0B » Tue May 27, 2008 2:31 pm

viccottam - cyprusgrump is right - solid wall maximum 1.2m above natural ground, not higher than 2.1m above finish
so if his finish [floor] is 0.6m below natural terrain and as you say "total height from his floor" is 1.8m - its all legal
you could take some pictures and file a complaint but i think better speak with the neighbour first
after all - youd be neighbours for years to come
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Postby webbo » Tue May 27, 2008 2:50 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:My understanding is that the perimeter wall can be 1.2m above the original soil level.

Then, you can add another structure to it but we were told that you would have to justify it. In Pissouri you need a higher fence to keep goats out so just about everybody has some form of metal balustrades or chain-link fencing on top.

And as Sotos says, once title deeds are issued you can do what you like.

You back now Grump?

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby Oracle » Tue May 27, 2008 5:54 pm

webbo wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:My understanding is that the perimeter wall can be 1.2m above the original soil level.

Then, you can add another structure to it but we were told that you would have to justify it. In Pissouri you need a higher fence to keep goats out so just about everybody has some form of metal balustrades or chain-link fencing on top.

And as Sotos says, once title deeds are issued you can do what you like.

You back now Grump?

Bubbles x 8)

Bubbles you really are like those nosey housewives that gossip over the garden fence :roll:

No wonder people want to build them higher :lol:
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Postby cyprusgrump » Tue May 27, 2008 6:14 pm

webbo wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:My understanding is that the perimeter wall can be 1.2m above the original soil level.

Then, you can add another structure to it but we were told that you would have to justify it. In Pissouri you need a higher fence to keep goats out so just about everybody has some form of metal balustrades or chain-link fencing on top.

And as Sotos says, once title deeds are issued you can do what you like.

You back now Grump?

Bubbles x 8)

About an hour ago...

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Postby Oracle » Tue May 27, 2008 7:55 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
webbo wrote:
cyprusgrump wrote:My understanding is that the perimeter wall can be 1.2m above the original soil level.

Then, you can add another structure to it but we were told that you would have to justify it. In Pissouri you need a higher fence to keep goats out so just about everybody has some form of metal balustrades or chain-link fencing on top.

And as Sotos says, once title deeds are issued you can do what you like.

You back now Grump?

Bubbles x 8)

About an hour ago...

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Welcome home! :D

(Don't mind me this is a strategic post ...)
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