RichardB wrote:Friday.... Macy (our British Bulldog) had to be rushed to vets for an emergency op £260
Saturday (this morning) Got woken by police at 5am to inform me my car had been vandalised by mindless scum cost NYK
Saturday 8.30 am Postman just been with my gas bill Cost £515.65 Last week got electricity bill for £301.14
Oh well another lovely day in Paradise (Not)
just needed a forum shoulder to cry on
What light relief this is from all that politics!
These are real problems, real life. Thanks Richard. You have made my day.
IMHO If the dog is now well, and the vandalism is covered by your insurance; then perhaps your other monetary worries may best be addressed by a lawsuit ?

..... against the Utilities Companies?
IMHO I believe a high-profile campaign may cheer you up, better acquaint you with I.T., allow you to mix with a finer class of person such as Lawyers, Presidents etc. with the bonus proviso that you may "extort" millions (or even billions

) I humbly believe, without prejudice, malice or intent.
So did you burn a cake recently? .... or still felt cold? Were these possibilities mentioned in your Contract with said Companies? And to have to pay for them on top of such shoddy service!
If that fails to cheer you up (and since it has now made
me miserable to be reminded of such stuff

) ... then PM me to discuss other ways to cheer each other up