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Postby Bill » Sun May 25, 2008 4:40 pm

michalis5354 wrote:
Bill that camera is made in netherlands i can sell it if you like ?

No thanks ~ I have a very nice Nikon DSLR which produces excellent results .

Looking at your pics it seems that your shutter speed is to low and you have suffered from camera shake so I would guess they were taken in poor light conditions ~ if this is not the case I would return the camera to where you bought it as it's definitely not working as it should.

Can I be cheeky and ask how much you paid for it .

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Postby Bill » Sun May 25, 2008 4:52 pm

RichardB wrote:
Hello Bill you back in Cyprus yet

Hi Richard ~ yes I'm back ~ finally convinced the house monster ( the wife ) that Cyprus was the best option and her going back every so often for a month wasn't helping .

She doesn't particularly like Cyprus and even the Cypriots as she feels that most have changed so much over the last few years but she's here now and that's the end of it ~ I would have left her in London had she not seen sense and cut her ties with the UK.

It was all to do with our youngest son who to be honest we never see much anyway so personally I can't see any difference in living in London and not seeing our son or living in Cyprus with the same result.

Cyprus is just a little better in my view :lol: :lol:

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Postby webbo » Sun May 25, 2008 5:10 pm

Bill wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Hello Bill you back in Cyprus yet

Hi Richard ~ yes I'm back ~ finally convinced the house monster ( the wife ) that Cyprus was the best option and her going back every so often for a month wasn't helping .

She doesn't particularly like Cyprus and even the Cypriots as she feels that most have changed so much over the last few years but she's here now and that's the end of it ~ I would have left her in London had she not seen sense and cut her ties with the UK.

It was all to do with our youngest son who to be honest we never see much anyway so personally I can't see any difference in living in London and not seeing our son or living in Cyprus with the same result.

Cyprus is just a little better in my view :lol: :lol:


Let's hope Mrs Bill is finally settled now Bill!

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Postby Bill » Mon May 26, 2008 12:08 pm

Well she has two options Bubbles and one of them is a lift to the airport :shock: as I'm not prepared to be mucked about any more

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Postby webbo » Mon May 26, 2008 4:27 pm

Bill wrote:Well she has two options Bubbles and one of them is a lift to the airport :shock: as I'm not prepared to be mucked about any more


:roll: At least you did not say 'get a taxi'! :lol: :wink:
Seriously hope she is settled though

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Postby GorillaGal » Mon May 26, 2008 5:00 pm

Bill wrote:
michalis5354 wrote:Bill
Some of the not to expensive point and shoot compact camera's give amazing results without you investing your life savings.

What do you know about my savings ? I can buy you a house in New York any time ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now this is where some peoples understanding of the English language goes wrong ~ let me put it in other ways.

buying a decent point and shoot camera will not :-

1 ~ cost to much
2 ~ break the bank
3 ~ cost you an arm and a leg
4 ~ cost you the shirt off your back

All different ways of saying you can get a decent camera quite cheaply

As for buying a place in New York I could probably manage that for my self but wouldn't want to ~ don't mind the northern states and in the south Carolina quite takes my fancy but New York doesn't appeal to me.


bill dear,
NY is paradise. just don't live in any part of NYC and your good to go. (NYC= manhattan, queens, brooklyn, bronx, staten island)
as for the other points about the camera costs, i think there is anotehr thread about people going broke. refer to it!
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