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Property in occupied north Cyprus – the facts

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby CanDiaz » Fri May 23, 2008 4:13 pm

DT. wrote:
roseandchan wrote:you would still be riding donkeys if it wasn't for us.

A bit like you living in caves and painting your faces blue while the Greeks were building the parthenon?

Considering that you have been around all that time, how is it your light years behind Britain now? With a head start like that, shouldn't you be at least G8 material?Like what Britain is?
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 23, 2008 4:15 pm

tessintrnc wrote:
DT. wrote:
roseandchan wrote:you would still be riding donkeys if it wasn't for us.

A bit like you living in caves and painting your faces blue while the Greeks were building the parthenon?

I believe us Irish were still in mud and wattle huts around that time..............

You are an insult and a disgrace to our Irish friends. What a shame that you bring a fine people down.
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Postby iceman » Fri May 23, 2008 4:15 pm

Oracle wrote:
halil wrote:
roseandchan wrote:just because some of us choose to live here doesn't mean we support any racist or ethnic cleansing, most of us would welcome a solution. do you have property in the north oracle?

oracle eats british money and hates british ..............

Fuck you halil ... I have property in a number of countries because I love all the countries of the world and most of my "money" is not British :lol:

However, the British love me and all that I have done for them ... so quit your jealousy evil Turk! :D

There you go halil...must be your lucky got a fuck out of this...
Thank god i only get the insults.. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Kifeas » Fri May 23, 2008 4:17 pm

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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 23, 2008 4:18 pm

roseandchan wrote:boomerang just come back for you asshole. all people sent down under are criminals anyway, we sent them there so we could get rid of scum. like the turks did with you. notice how little crime there is in the trnc, can't say the same for the roc.

Does that mean that the UK will send you over to Australia? After all, you are nothing but a common thief.
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Postby roseandchan » Fri May 23, 2008 4:19 pm

its a small third world part of the e.u. that should never have got in until they resolved the cyprus problem
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 23, 2008 4:21 pm

roseandchan wrote:its a small third world part of the e.u. that should never have got in until they resolved the cyprus problem

Cyprus was always going to get in to the EU. It's economy is too strong to be left out.

Your time is coming. Do not worry. Soon you will lose your stolen loot.
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Postby Paphitis » Fri May 23, 2008 4:24 pm

roseandchan wrote:its a small third world part of the e.u. that should never have got in until they resolved the cyprus problem

Only an idiot will leave the UK and buy a property in the illegal "trnc" which is not even recognised by anyone. They wish they were a third world country. They are not even a country, but an illegal occupation of STOLEN land. And you bought property here? :lol: What is your IQ?
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Postby DT. » Fri May 23, 2008 4:26 pm

CanDiaz wrote:
DT. wrote:
roseandchan wrote:you would still be riding donkeys if it wasn't for us.

A bit like you living in caves and painting your faces blue while the Greeks were building the parthenon?

Considering that you have been around all that time, how is it your light years behind Britain now? With a head start like that, shouldn't you be at least G8 material?Like what Britain is?

We let religion into the culture.
SPanish owned half the world....what happened to them amigo?
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Postby CanDiaz » Fri May 23, 2008 4:37 pm

DT. wrote:
CanDiaz wrote:
DT. wrote:
roseandchan wrote:you would still be riding donkeys if it wasn't for us.

A bit like you living in caves and painting your faces blue while the Greeks were building the parthenon?

Considering that you have been around all that time, how is it your light years behind Britain now? With a head start like that, shouldn't you be at least G8 material?Like what Britain is?

We let religion into the culture.
SPanish owned half the world....what happened to them amigo?

Same in Spain, Religion.But Spain isnt claiming that they were building something when others were in caves with painted faces now are they?
Besides Spain was great only a few hundred years ago. Greeks are talking about thousands of year's of History, so considering your claim of technological superiority, why aren't you sending people to Mars? Or at least having a major say in modern history, like Britain is?
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