iceman wrote:on the subject of stolen properties...
I spent two hours this morning with my next door neighbour discussing property issue....
This man is from Mouttaigaika Limassol and has left a lot of property there...This morning he had in his hand a VERY large file which cost him €2500 recently.
The file was land evaluation report by a very reputable Limassol company who specialise on propert evaluation.
After an extensive professional research the value for his property in Mouttaigaika has been estimated (12 separate title deeds) as
€47.440.000 (forty seven million four hundred and forty)Most of his land has been developed by ROC government,some of his land,(bang on the beachfront) has been turned into places like "Kyrenia Sailing Club" another one has been used to build a restaurant for some other association..
To sum it all up,he has the title deeds for property estimated at nearly €50million but all his land has been used by ROC for this or that excuse...
talk about stolen property

Iceman, stop misleading those reading the forum! You know dumb well that we are not talking about the same thing! No matter what was build in the properties of your neighbor, the ownership (title deeds) are still in his name! There is nothing stopping him to cross south, live here for 6 months, and then claim every piece of property to be returned to him. No one has stolen his land, he is recognized as the owner of all of it, and in any case in which the government may legally expropriate any part of it, (there are laws determine when a government has the right to expropriate private property,) he will be compensated for its full value at the time of the expropriation! Tell me now if this is the case with GC properties in the north? Can I come in the north, be allowed to live for 6 months there, and then claim all my properties in Lapithos and Karavas to be returned to me? First of all, Turkey which occupies the area, doesn’t even recognize I am the owner! Did you read the so-called constitution of the “TRNC,” that Turkey established illegally in the occupied areas? Do you know what it says in there, regarding GC properties? The theft is even admitted and documented in the most cynical way, in the very constitution which you chose to abide by in the north! Read it first, and then come here to tell us if the two situations are in any close to be the same or similar!