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Property in occupied north Cyprus – the facts

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:41 pm


After 1974 the government set up a body known as the Guardian of Turkish-Cypriot properties where Greek-Cypriot refugees settling in homes belonging to Turkish Cypriots would have custodianship "but not ownership" of the property.

Now the government must work out how to deal with Turkish Cypriots visiting the land registry department and claiming their property back. Under the current regime, Turkish Cypriots are required to live in the south for a "valid" period of time before claiming their property
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:47 pm

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Postby Bill » Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:57 pm

Get Real! wrote:Bill,

After 1974 the government set up a body known as the Guardian of Turkish-Cypriot properties where Greek-Cypriot refugees settling in homes belonging to Turkish Cypriots would have custodianship "but not ownership" of the property.

Now the government must work out how to deal with Turkish Cypriots visiting the land registry department and claiming their property back. Under the current regime, Turkish Cypriots are required to live in the south for a "valid" period of time before claiming their property

Doesn't answer my question GR

One thing I need you to clarify ~ my interpretation of property is a dwelling / house / bungalow etc and land is just that, land although I will concede that as a person may own it, it becomes their property.

I'm talking about land being given to refugees children and often grand children to build houses within the last few years ~ surely assistance from the government in the form of a cash grant to buy a property, which I believe is one of the other options is a better bet if the government wish to uphold their principle of keeping TC land in trust.

Last edited by Bill on Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:58 pm

Bill wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Bill,

After 1974 the government set up a body known as the Guardian of Turkish-Cypriot properties where Greek-Cypriot refugees settling in homes belonging to Turkish Cypriots would have custodianship "but not ownership" of the property.

Now the government must work out how to deal with Turkish Cypriots visiting the land registry department and claiming their property back. Under the current regime, Turkish Cypriots are required to live in the south for a "valid" period of time before claiming their property

Doesn't answer my question GR


Not even the next post?
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Postby Bill » Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:31 pm

As I said in my first post I can understand the need to use TC land to build housing for the 200,000 plus refugees left homeless by the Turkish invasion ~ and I appreciate that land still being used to build refugees houses well into the mid 80's .

But I can't understand the government giving plots of Turkish land as recently as 4 to 5 years ago for refugees children / grandchildren to build on when a grant of cash to help the young couple buy on GC or government land would be the safer option ~ unless of course if the TC's land isn't going to be given back or there's never going to be a solution.

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Postby DT. » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:28 pm

Bill wrote:As I said in my first post I can understand the need to use TC land to build housing for the 200,000 plus refugees left homeless by the Turkish invasion ~ and I appreciate that land still being used to build refugees houses well into the mid 80's .

But I can't understand the government giving plots of Turkish land as recently as 4 to 5 years ago for refugees children / grandchildren to build on when a grant of cash to help the young couple buy on GC or government land would be the safer option ~ unless of course if the TC's land isn't going to be given back or there's never going to be a solution.


My cousin is 2nd generation refugee and just gets by, he has been given govt land, not TC land to build with a low interest rate. (Security for the loan is his own land in the occupied territories)

Haven't heard of tc land given to refugee children.
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Postby DT. » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:28 pm

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Postby Bill » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:52 pm

Oracle wrote:I'm bumping this thread up as I sense Bill wants to discuss his plots / property in the north ...

I suggest this as a suitable platform as the facts are at hand ...

Far from it Oracle ~ unlike with you the thought never crossed my mind.

The question I posed is far more interesting than any perceived problems you clearly think I may have.

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Postby Bill » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:53 pm

DT. wrote:
My cousin is 2nd generation refugee and just gets by, he has been given govt land, not TC land to build with a low interest rate. (Security for the loan is his own land in the occupied territories)

Haven't heard of tc land given to refugee children.

I suppose it depends on which area your cousin lives as not all area's were occupied by Turkish Cypriots ~ obviously area's such as the east of the island had a very low percentage of T C residents/land owners so there wouldn't be that much Tc land available .

In Larnaca and Limassol plus the various villages in between where there were a higher proportion of TC's and a fair amount of them owned land there would be more chance of utilising TC land.

No doubt Oracle will continue to brand me a liar ( wrongly I might add and I feel quite slanderous ) but this is a serious question to what I think is a very serious problem of what happens to the young families who have spent so much money in building their dream homes if there is a solution and they may have to give their homes up.

To be honest any solution to the problem will be a mess when it comes to property but at least those in government built refugee housing didn't pay for their homes unlike the youngsters I've mentioned who have committed them selves to a lengthy mortgage.

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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:26 pm

I have a tiny amount of first hand witness re: the land and villages between LCA and LIM and would agree that this was a heartland of the other community. Indeed if you travel along the old LCA/LIM road, at the LCA end of this road, you will see a large number of long abandoned houses and small-holdings, many of which have large numbers on them in red paint, presumably referencing ownership.

I can also testify that some square kilometers of land between the sea and the villages of Alethrico, Kivisili, Mazotos, all in Larnaca District and which are in the ownership of the other community have been farmed since soon after 74 by refugees, many having fled from the Karpas.

All this land is within 2-3 kms of the sea and easy reach of the highway, real premium land. Pretty flat, easily developed land at that. The developers would have a field day if they could get their hands on this lot, but to date they have not.

(PS I see D. is on-line so can I add Anglisides to the above list lest I offend any former inhabs of that village and hopefully I have added this edit before he sees this)
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