I spent two hours this morning with my next door neighbour discussing property issue....
This man is from Mouttaigaika Limassol and has left a lot of property there...This morning he had in his hand a VERY large file which cost him €2500 recently.
The file was land evaluation report by a very reputable Limassol company who specialise on propert evaluation.
After an extensive professional research the value for his property in Mouttaigaika has been estimated (12 separate title deeds) as €47.440.000 (forty seven million four hundred and forty)
Most of his land has been developed by ROC government,some of his land,(bang on the beachfront) has been turned into places like "Kyrenia Sailing Club" another one has been used to build a restaurant for some other association..
To sum it all up,he has the title deeds for property estimated at nearly €50million but all his land has been used by ROC for this or that excuse...
talk about stolen property