The Greek people of Cyprus are and always will be a part of that spiritual unity of Hellenism. We recognise that our Turkish compatriots are linked by similar ties of religion, culture and language to Turkey and the Turkish nation. These are facts of history which nothing will alter. But we are both also peoples of Cyprus, destined to co-exist in this small island which we hold in common as our native land. This imposes on both our peoples an obligation to live and let live. Neither of us can give free rein to our national aspirations, however natural and laudable they may be, without respect for the corresponding aspirations of the other. For us Greek Cypriots this has been a hard and painful lesson , and perhaps we have been too slow in learning it. Accordingly , on behalf of the Greek Cypriot people and with the full support of the Government of Greece we now solemnly renounce any aspiration to bring about the political union of Cyprus with Greece and we adhere to the aim of maintaining the independence of the Republic of Cyprus. We also declare our readiness to join with our Turkish Cypriot compatriots in establishing a new and mutually acceptable basis for the co-existance of the two peoples in Cyprus in a bi-zonal and bi-communal state, without recourse to oppression and where all Cypriots are regarded as equals and not of majority and minority and share power in the governance of our beautiful island.
Would such a statement be too hard for you Greek Cypriots to agree with ?