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Postby craig » Fri May 23, 2008 2:05 am

WEB DESIGN + SET UP + AFTER CARE!! - promotion for only £300 euros,

all of cyprus , Limassol based , sales systems - 3d rendering and pre build dvd's , web promotion "GET TO THE TOP OF GOOGLE!"

-PROPERTY WEBSITES- are no problem please email for our last work ,,

we are the true web and design specialist in cyprus , with quality help and aftercare usualy offered and not promised in cyprus

We will make any new website in under 1-2 weeks with a personal service,

please call 967 47 617 for full details and free advice,
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Postby Raymanoff » Fri May 23, 2008 3:06 am

Craig, i really don't want to be an ass spoiling your posts, i do understand everyone have to do a living. But you guys are just trying your luck, because of ppl like you clients who are new to all this are disappointed in web development in general so the guys like me have to drop prices down in order to re-pursuit the client and work twice as hard to cover your so called webdesign.... so generally if my ordinary site usually costs around 2000+vat Euros, i will have to make a discount to 1800 to beat "other offer" as they all say and then deduct 300-400 Euros for your design since clients usually say "But i already paid for my page, i gotta pay again...?" My prices in this case are ridiculously low even before all reductions, but i have to adopt to this market since its full of "specialists".
In UK for example i was under marketing firms doing projects without going directly to client, alltho i could try but i knew companies with good workflow organisation, knowledge and resources don't hire Cowboys like me.
(For example i did this fly through presentation all by myself:

In Cyprus for example, its completely opposite... big companies go directly to some whatever whoever just to make it as cheap as possible. Anyway... you get my point?

Is your 3D rendering is same quality as your websites? Cause same thing happens there too... - unless its not yours, i will take my words back, meanwhile i will go and shoot myself...
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Postby craig » Fri May 23, 2008 1:57 pm

Actually no , the man who designs the sites has been doing this for over 10 years , he can make automated payment systems for hotel sites too he however is a expert in 3d rendering which we are trying to build up a larger client base for right now, secondly all sites are different a basic website will be designed for that cost described and put online
, no hidden extras ,,the hosting is included for the first year and is then 50 pounds per year or you can also take the site to another host if required ,

some of the sites in the past we have made are

property pursuits is a site i own and made to teach myself some basics i personaly do not make the sites that we are selling,,
a profesional version is in the makings at the moment

I hope i have answered all your questions

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Postby Narhir » Fri May 23, 2008 9:56 pm

craig :/ 300 EURO ? whats that... :P I made one time promotion in price of 399 ;)) but it was for VERY LIMITTED TIME :) 3d rendering ? WHERE ? I dont see any ?;/ and what kind of "Webdesigning company" your if you even dont have a Portfolio ? if your telling that you have guy for webdesign for 3d stuff so for sure your a company so.. WHERE is website ? website of your company ?

I hope your not a webdesigning company without website ?:)

In first post you say something like" pounds300 euros" ~~ that one is confusing

@Raymanoff nice work with teh flash and floorplans ;) but I think bufforing and stuff are pretty bugged ?

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Postby Raymanoff » Fri May 23, 2008 11:38 pm

with teh flash and floorplans....

...and 3D :D
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Postby boomerang » Sat May 24, 2008 3:21 am

Rain...rain on his parade Ray...its amateurs like this that gives us pros a bad name...these days peanuts only gets you monkeys... :lol:

Excellent work Ray...I work with 3D and quite familliar with 3D max along with Photoshop...If I could may a suggestion, have you tried shrinking your 3D animations with Sorenson?

Found here ... ion-4-5-4/

Also Ray are you using a QUADRO VGA card for all your rendering?...and if you do which one?...maybe I can help you in this department...

Hey Craig, do you know what 3D and 3D rendering is all about?...coz judging from your ad it seems you have no clue...for so little money how the hell you gonna provide 3D rendering is beyond me...even in China they charge more than you for crying out loud :lol:

Here are some examples

Image Image Image

and here is for one your phone :lol:

The website was up but I was getting too many enquiries and I pulled it much I would love to play with 3D animation, the sad reality is I have no time for it... :cry: ...maybe in the future
Last edited by boomerang on Sat May 24, 2008 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Sat May 24, 2008 4:19 am

Raymanoff wrote:Craig, i really don't want to be an ass spoiling your posts, i do understand everyone have to do a living. But you guys are just trying your luck,

Ray, I was a distinguished Systems Engineer with 20 years experience and enough qualifications and industry accreditations to literally fill up an entire wall and coming from the most prestigious IT giants in Australia, yet I had to reinvent myself here in Cyprus because things just don’t work the way they do in the more advanced countries of greater populations and markets.

Cyprus is a toned down, no frills, do-it-yourself, whatever works kind of scene… so get use to it. :) You may find that doing hot 3D rendering is not what most customers here want or can afford, so perhaps Craig’s approach is more suitable for this market…
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Postby Raymanoff » Sat May 24, 2008 9:46 am

Get Real, i never left CYprus, infact i started it all here and expanded a bit abroad... Prices Craig is telling are just impossible... QuadroFX cards are not for rendering but for viewport graphics. The reason i sold my PCs (those were rendering machines) is that i used to cost me 1500Eur of Electricity every single bill. I had 100Ghz per hour capacity for renting farm power to other studios. I've ordered Quad systems now which should bring costs down but still 300 Eur is the amount which covers basicaly nothign... i dont get it, what Craig achives and how... maybe is some sort of 3D Superpowers he posesses.
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Postby craig » Sat May 24, 2008 2:25 pm

I can make a basic website for 300 euros -
out company is
currently under construction

We can also make 3d renderings of pre build houses and flats if we are supplied the floor plans,the prices vary depending on the project if a dvd is needed , but we have managed to keeps the costs low and the quality of work high,

best regards Craig
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Postby Narhir » Sat May 24, 2008 2:53 pm

nice.. you know but you didnt created it :P it is just a template... and HERE IS MINE ;)))


am I as cool as you ? If I buy template with 3d stuff on it can I say I do 3d rendering also ?

Please dont say that your "Rebuilding" your website you even didnt created WEBSITE for yourself so please first create custom website and then offer your services.. and also please dont forgot to put your last work on it

Thank you ...
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