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Is every Tom, Dick, Harry and their dogs moving to Cyprus?

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Postby pantheman » Thu May 22, 2008 9:59 pm

Eliko wrote:I blame the Americans !!, :lol: :lol: :wink:

Oh Bugger, you've done it now, Miltiades is gonna be on your arse now mate. Rather you than me :lol: :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 22, 2008 10:00 pm

Zorba wrote:A couple of years and Cyprus will be the same as UK

You mean medieval people will invade Cyprus and African traffic wankers imported ??
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Postby simonwjones » Thu May 22, 2008 10:05 pm

This is what you get from joining the EU. There are plenty of Cypriots in England all doing their stuff and running their fish and chip shops.....
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Postby Zorba » Thu May 22, 2008 10:07 pm

If only. I would love it to rain every day in July,like in England.
we got traffic wardens,roadhumps,speedtraps,graffiti,drugs,football hooligans,rising house prices,rising fuel prices,influx of foreigners etc etc
But instead of the locals leaving, the ones that went away are coming back.
Is it because we can put up with it but with a grudge?
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Postby miltiades » Thu May 22, 2008 10:14 pm

Zorba wrote:If only. I would love it to rain every day in July,like in England.
we got traffic wardens,roadhumps,speedtraps,graffiti,drugs,football hooligans,rising house prices,rising fuel prices,influx of foreigners etc etc
But instead of the locals leaving, the ones that went away are coming back.
Is it because we can put up with it but with a grudge?

Zorba , who exactly are coming back to Englanstan !!
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Postby webbo » Thu May 22, 2008 10:43 pm

JoJo wrote:Phew....One came into our shop today and said "I have just gotten off the plane from the UK. where is the local unemployment office so I can sign up and start getting paid" I laughed and said "sorry you are in the wrong country mate" A lot of people are moving here without doing their homework and are finding things extremely difficult.

I think you will find that being part of the EU, unemployment benefit - or Jobseekers Allowance as I believe it is now called - is open to all EU individuals seeking work in all EU states.

There is protocol involved along with paperwork before one leaves the home country, so, I for one do not believe your story at all :roll: :roll:

Bubbles x 8)
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Postby roseandchan » Fri May 23, 2008 10:34 am

we were born in london. we moved out when the jews moved in, we went to essex. we moved out when the indians moved in, we went to suffolk. we moved out when the chinese and indians moved in and went to norfolk. we moved out when the eastern block moved in. now we are the only english in a turkish speaking village and i feel more at home than in the uk. the trouble is that these people coming from third world countries just don't integrate. most english people don't look at french, german, italian , cypriots or turkish as a problem. they come and just get on with it. its the indians and african who don't make an effort. the violent crime that follows the eastern block people around. the drugs that the yardies sell to our kids. people flock to the uk every year to have there babies free on the nhs. even my turkish friend are complaining that the polish have taken over the kebab shops and the banking has gone to india. If this was happening to you, wouldn't you be looking for a new home?
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Postby purdey » Fri May 23, 2008 10:39 am

NO !! we tend to be very happy in the UK when we bring in cheap labour to do the jobs the Brits don't want to do. We then complain when these people start to make money and own profitable businesses.
You can't have it both ways...
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Postby Oracle » Fri May 23, 2008 10:41 am

Well then you have found your niche and soul-mates amongst the racist ethnically cleansed Turkish occupied section of our island.

Dirty rotten scoundrels!
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 23, 2008 10:44 am

roseandchan wrote:we were born in london. we moved out when the jews moved in, we went to essex. we moved out when the indians moved in, we went to suffolk. we moved out when the chinese and indians moved in and went to norfolk. we moved out when the eastern block moved in. now we are the only english in a turkish speaking village and i feel more at home than in the uk. the trouble is that these people coming from third world countries just don't integrate. most english people don't look at french, german, italian , cypriots or turkish as a problem. they come and just get on with it. its the indians and african who don't make an effort. the violent crime that follows the eastern block people around. the drugs that the yardies sell to our kids. people flock to the uk every year to have there babies free on the nhs. even my turkish friend are complaining that the polish have taken over the kebab shops and the banking has gone to india. If this was happening to you, wouldn't you be looking for a new home?

Right, so here you were running away from legal UK immigrants because they couldn't blend in with you, and you finally settled down after blending in well in an internationally condemned Turkish military base and sanctuary to criminal fugitives... home sweet home! Image
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