Stylianou said: “The police and veterinary services are repeatedly told about abuses of the animal welfare and dog laws and they keep saying it’s not their job [to do anything]. According to the animal welfare law an animal must be kept according to its physiological and ethological needs. If this is law and animals are kept on balconies or permanently tied up, are they being kept according to the law? How can the law stipulate this is the law and yet when the Veterinary Services see a Great Dane being kept in a 2X2 cage and chained they do nothing?”
The CVA said that following yesterday’s meeting they felt, for the first time, that there was “light at the end of the tunnel”.
“We know any changes to the law have to go through parliament first but at least the issues are on the table and are being discussed. Until now we haven’t had that, so we are hoping we will give animals a voice,” Anastasi said.
The CVA, which earlier this month received its registration number, is a union made up of nine societies. These include Animal, Rescue and Protection Association Argos, Zootropion Humane Education Society, Famagusta Protection Society, Malcolm Cat Protection Association, CAPCA Protection Society, Donkey Sanctuary – Vouni, Limassol Shelter, Nicosia Dog Shelter, and Cat Neutering Association.
“For years we’ve been trying to give animals a voice. Everyone tried to do it alone and no one paid attention to a single voice. We decided we need a strong voice and decided to unite the voices of the majority of animal welfare societies in Cyprus,” Anastasi said.
Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2008's news.
and on Sunday, i think, a Turtle was found bludgeoned.
...this is a big problem, we have to change this violent behaviour, because by our denial, we promote its Ignorance.
please add your voice to this concern and mitigate by donation or actively.