halil wrote:i already check those ones . i know advantages and disadvantages of the DVB-S2 .
we are going to finish our DVB_T plans for our next generation terestrial transmission .
You should have finished your "planning" and at least started test transmissions halil..what are you waiting?

halil wrote:what i am trying to understand is how long it will take for DVB_S2 transmission ? how rapidly is growing ?
what is the market sharing at the moment .
which of them are using MPEG4 compression systems on their transmission . what difficulties consumers are having ?
Well,almost all new TV sets imported and sold have an onboard DVB-T tuner...the future is with DVB-S2.
The prices of the equipment,rapidly going down,give it another couple of years the public will be screaming for the service..
European broadcasers have started HD services and are increasing their content day by day to satisfy the demand.
halil wrote:it says DVB-S2 upgrade process as well . they said 15 years . do you think these information's are lately one. some of them says it might be less than 10 years .
do you have any idea any broadcasters in Turkey using DVB_S2 transmission at any Satellite .
I dont think it will even take 10 years...les than that.
Digiturk does use DVB-S2 on Eutelsat W3.