It is one second to midnight on the 11th of June 1958, and most Cypriots after a hard day of toiling in the sun, are sleeping unwary of the fact that when the new morning breaks Cyprus will take an historic turn for the worse for it’s on this new coming day, the 12th June 1958 that the relationship of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities will be tarnished forever by the drawing of FIRST BLOOD!
On 12 June 1958 eight innocent and unarmed Greek Cypriot civilians from Kondemenos village were murdered by T.M.T. terrorists near the Turkish populated village of Geunyeli. That was the first incident involving human lives.
The Turkish community was whipped into a frenzy by broadcasts from Turkey calling for the partition of Cyprus. Violence between the Turks and Cypriots broke out in early June and climaxed when eight Greeks were massacred in a cornfield near the Turkish village of Geunyeli.
At the request of the British Governor, a 23-page report was later published titled…
”Findings of the Commission of Inquiry into the incidents at Geunyeli Cyprus on 12th June 1958”

…which clearly described the fateful events in great detail and aftermath, although some sections are not very legible due to poor photo copying, and can be found here in PDF format… ... onyeli.pdf
On the 12th of June this year (2008) it will be the 50th anniversary of this darkest of days in the history of Cyprus so please spare a moment for these unfortunate souls…
Regards, GR.