With Bananiot I would be happy "imposing" a unitary state with one man one vote, is that also undemocratic? You are unable to see the colours because you are coloured blind, the type of solution we want is moulded by people like you, thats why we want a BBF with political equality.
So with "people like me" which are the people who demand democracy and human rights, you will not accept democracy, but if all people were like Bannaiot, who accepts all your unfair and undemocratic demands, then you would scrap your demands and accept democracy?

If it was like that, then in 1950, long before the EOKA straggle started, when the Greek Cypriots had asked from the British for a democratic referendum in order for Cypriots to decide peacefully the destiny of their own island, why you didn't accept it?
The conflicts started exactly because you and the British would not accept democracy for Cyprus, but you wanted to continue to impose your rule by force.